Iwo Jima Memorial
By Gregg K. Kakesako
replica proposed
for Kaneohe base
Star-BulletinThe Pacific War Memorial Association would like to erect a bronze replica of the National Iwo Jima Memorial in Connecticut inside the front gate of the Marine Corps Base at Kaneohe Bay.
The memorial depicts the flag-raising atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II.
The proposed Kaneohe memorial is similar, but not identical, to the National Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Va. Both are based on a historic photo by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal. The Kaneohe memorial will be done by Salvatore Perrotta.
A spokesman at Kaneohe said the gift from the Pacific War Memorial Association is pending approval by Marine Corps headquarters in the Pentagon. The association would like to erect the monument next February.
A quarter-size model of the monument, which weighs 250 pounds and is three feet tall, will be unveiled and Iwo Jima veterans will be honored tomorrow during a ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl.
Postage stamps commemorating 100 years of U.S. submarine service will go on sale here Mar. 28 at local post offices in Pearl Harbor, Makalapa, Waikiki, Kapolei, Mililani, Waipahu and downtown.
Cost of a stamp booklet is $9.80 and features the USS Holland, the first submarine acquired by the Navy in 1900; changes in US submarines after the Holland; the Gato class submarines used during World War II in the Pacific; the nuclear-powered Los Angeles attack sub; and the Ohio class ballistic missile sub.
Local entertainers Pure Heart and Kapena will perform at the three-day Hickam Air Force Base carnival, beginning at 6 p.m. Mar. 31.
The carnival will be held at Area 61, next to Mokulele Elementary School, and will run until April 2.
The public is invited. Last year, public admission to the base and carnival was restricted because of security concerns.
Part of the proceeds will be used for Air Force youth programs at Hickam.
USS Reuben James: Cmdr. Carl W. Cramb, a 1981 Naval Academy graduate, relieved Cmdr. Steven Richter as skipper of the guided missile frigate. The two spent four years together at Annapolis in the same company.
USS Louisville: Cmdr. Russ Janicke relieved Cmdr. Joseph Skinner as commander of the the nuclear fast attack submarine.
Schofield Barracks: Command Sgt. Maj. Tommie Maldonado replaced Command Sgt. Maj. Mark Parsley as commandant of the U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Academy at East Range.
Marine Corps Base Hawaii: Cmdr. Irving Bough relieved Cmdr. Gregory Osborne as commanding officer of Special Projects Patrol Squadron Two.