NOBUYOSHI Koba survived the American A-bomb attack on Nagasaki in 1945, but it is he who wants to make amends for Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor that drew Americans into World War II. He says this is one of the reasons he's performing in "Mardi Gras Follies 2000" at Pearl Harbor.
"It is hard to explain, but I wanted to contribute to the show to help them raise money," Koba explains through translator Mariko Lyons.
Koba is making his debut in the Follies, dancing as a geisha with Lyons and Sing Sing Bliss as his attendants.
Their number, "Sakura," is a highlight in the show and for good reason. Koba attained fame in Japan as a hairstylist and beautician, but traditional Japanese dance is his passion.
What: "Mardi Gras Follies 2000," presented by the Pearl Harbor Performing Arts Association
When: 7:45 p.m. today and tomorrow, and 2 p.m. Sunday, repeating March 10-11, 17-19, 24-25, 31 and April 1
Where: The Banyans, Pearl Harbor
Cost: $40 and $35, with buffet and free parking
Call: 473-1703
Koba began studying traditional Japanese dance at the age of six and dreamed of becoming a professional dancer. His dream survived the Pacific War and the hardships of the American occupation, but as he approached adulthood he decided a career as a beautician made more sense financially.
Koba came to Hawaii several years ago expecting to retire. Instead, he created work for himself as president of Diamond Head Bridal in the Hyatt Regency Waikiki. But he still has time to pursue his twin passions, finding that the performing and beauty arts share an interest in makeup, hair and transformation.It takes Koba more than an hour to transform himself into a geisha. His kimono, and those worn by Lyons and Bliss, come from his collection of costumes, accessories and elaborate wigs. Koba's preparations for "Sakura" included travel to Japan to pick up additional materials.
Koba carries on an long tradition of men performing male and female roles in Japanese theater. Koba also dances conventional male roles such as samurai, nobles and "ordinary men."He says he chose to dance as a geisha in the follies because of the renewed interest in geishas in the media -- thanks to Arthur Golden's "Memoirs of a Geisha," and fashion designers Jean-Paul Gaultier and Dolce & Gabbana -- and the greater challenge involved in portraying a woman.
"In Paris and London and New York designers are taking a sense of the essence of geisha and geisha style in fashion, but despite the interest it is very rare to see a real geisha.For a man to be convincing (dancing) as a woman he must emphasize beauty and grace to the (highest) ideal. This is very challenging but I want to show the traditional beauty of the geisha and also the beauty of the traditional kimono."
Annual Officers Wives
Club fund-raiser entertains
with a spectrum of talentMardi Gras Follies 2000, Jack Cione production
By John Berger
Special to the Star-BulletinJACK Cione opens "Mardi Gras Follies 2000" with Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation," making it clear that he is taking the show in a more contemporary direction.
The annual fund-raiser began in 1955 as a project by the Officers' Wives Club and still has an amateur show ambience in places, but professional entertainers and others with pro-caliber talent are Cione's brightest stars this year:
Nobuyoshi Koba portrays an elaborately costumed dancing geisha with exquisite grace and skill in "Sakura."
Mariko Lyons and Felix Chavez enact a seductive battle of the sexes in an erotically charged Tango Argentino "El Choclo."
Beijing-trained Sing Sing Bliss displays the beauty of traditional Chinese dance in "China 2000."
International recording artists Mila Yandell and Rhonda star in separate numbers. Yandell introduces songs from her current album. Rhonda displays her power and range with "Don't Rain On My Parade."
Bill Doherty contributes ever-bigger and more extravagant costumes. The floats and "Parade of Birds" in "Polynesia 2000" are a career best for him.
Other performers also stand out. Terry Pershing's snappy and seductive rendition of "Cabaret" hits all the right emotions, Le Tap Hot has two fine numbers, and irrepressible Arsenio Tejada co-stars with Cindy Serkies in a comic sketch involving amorous mannequins.
There are low moments as well. Several segments are far too long. Others suffer from bad lip-synching. It's nice of Cione to give every one a moment of fame but both script and pacing need tightening.
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