Taking Notice
Officers named
The following local organizations have appointed new officers:National Society of Fund Raising Executives: Angie Golis-Yamamoto, president; David Earles, president-elect; Gary Yoshida, treasurer; Nara Takakawa, secretary; and Leslie Allen, Heidi Ballendorf, Patsy Daly, Lisa Gibson, Kent Keith, Patti Look, Yvonne Morris, Kathy Nelson, Alice Anne Rice, Sarah Tenney, Sanae Tokumura, Kristy Tong, Janice Ushijima and Geri Watanabe, new board members.
Hawaii Forest Industry Association: Sally Rice, president; Lloyd Jones, vice president; Peter Simmons, treasurer; John Edson, Kauai County director; Guy Cellier, Hawaii County director; Bart Potter, Oahu director and secretary; John Wittenburg, Maui County director; and Jeff Griswold, Bob Osgood, C. Dudley Pratt and Marian Yasuda, members at large.
Chinese Women's Club of Honolulu: Dorothy Y. Lum, president; Pauline T. Young, first vice president; Sandra H. Hagen, second vice president; Irene C. Johnson, recording secretary; Cynthia P. Hoag, corresponding secretary; Juanita Hu-Takara, treasurer; Marlene N.J. Tom, assistant treasurer; Gloria N. Wu, auditor; Helen T.C. Char, sergeant at arms; Rosie K. Chang, nominating chair director; Joline K. Goo, ex officio director; and Pearl S.K. Ching, Miriam W. Chun, Rena Y. Ochse and Violet L. Tam, directors.
United Puerto Rican Association of Hawaii Inc.: Daniel Sanchez Sr., president; Angel Santiago-Cruz, first vice president; Nancy N. Ortiz, second vice president; Dominga Trusdell, recording secretary; Julie Robley, corresponding secretary; John Ortiz, treasurer; Jollen Rosario, assistant treasurer; Antonio Rodrigues Jr., auditor; Jenny Hogan, Finance Committee; and Daniel Sanchez Jr., sergeant at arms.
Executive Women International, Honolulu Chapter: Doreen Tavares, president; Alcy Kaniho, vice president/president-elect and ASIST chair; Shelley Okubo, secretary; Susan Tanigawa, treasurer; Amy Morio, sergeant at arms; Cathy Iwai, membership director; Susan Uyetake, program director; Shera Tamanaha, publication director; Julie Loo, ways and means director; Estelle Hayashi, director at large; and Jodie Monaghan, philanthropy chair.
Network of Volunteer Leaders: Annette Ternes, president; Rodney Kwock, vice president; Diana George, secretary; Caroline Odo, treasurer; Judi McClain, Membership Committee chair; Curtis Washburn, Newsletter Committee chair; Catherine Graham and Sue Kobar, Education Committee chairs; Marian Turney, Nominations Committee chair; Yvette Castro-Green, Program Committee chair; and Duke Gonzales, public relations chair.
National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, Hawaii Chapter: Susan H. Graham, president and national board representative; Todd F. Jackson, treasurer and Golf Tournament Committee co-chair; Leighton J.H.S. Yuen, secretary; Randy Herold, immediate past president and Industry Awards Committee chair; Walter Yoshimitsu, vice president and Legislative Affairs Committee chair; Paul D. Cool, Public Relations Committee chair; Matt Gilbertson, Program Committee chair; Steve Keil, membership chair and Golf Tournament Committee co-chair; Lorrin Ching, Golf Tournament Committee co-chair; Scot J. Voronaeff, Community Service Committee chair; and James K. Mee, Jeffrey Mau, Kenneth C.S. Pai and Robert D. Turran, directors.
Waimea Main Street: Linda West, president; Thomas Sing, vice president; Patricia Provalenko, treasurer; Sharon Cislo, secretary; and Steve Bess, Sharon Cislo, Patricia Provalenko, Tom Quinlan, Balbi Brooks, Carolyn Cascavilla, Doris Purdy-Johnson, James Jolliff and Scott Price, directors.
Hawaii Council for the Humanities, formerly known as the Hawaii Committee for the Humanities: Mitch Yamasaki, chairman; Todd Sammons, vice chairman; Eileen Tamura, secretary-treasurer; and Susan Arinaga Li and E. Kalani Flores, board members.
Grants and donations
Kahua O Maluhia, a mentoring program for pregnant teens, received $75,000 from the Gertrude M. Damon Trust.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Honolulu received $20,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Wong and $25,000 from the Mary L. Castle Fund of the Samuel N. and Mary L. Castle Foundation. The money will be used for the newly created Catholic Charities Intake, Information, and Referral Unit, which helps women and children.
Friends of the Future received a $2,020 grant from the Gwenfread Elaine Allen Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation for the "House Numbers for Our Senior Neighbors" project, which will provide uniform, reflective, highly visible house address numbers for seniors living in the Waimea area.
The Hawaii Council for the Humanities, formerly known as the Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, awarded 12 grants to the following nonprofit organizations:
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii: $29,150 to produce an interpretive historical exhibit, and $2,500 to conduct a workshop on the incarceration of Japanese Americans.
Chaminade University of Honolulu and the Hawaii Council for History Education: $16,450 to conduct an evening panel and one-day teacher workshop.
Hawaii Literary Arts Council, Hawaii Writing Project and University of Hawaii 2+4 Service Learning: $7,960 to hold a literature festival in Honolulu and Lihue for young adult readers.
University of Hawaii-Manoa, Colleges of Arts and Sciences, and the Nisei Veterans Distinguished Forum on Values' Planning Committee: $15,911 for a one-day community forum and making of an interpretive handout dealing with the values of World War II nisei veterans.
Na Hoaloha Ainahou: $5,000 Preserving Hawaii's Heritage grant to conduct and transcribe oral-history interviews of paniolos and others connected with Ainahou Ranch in Kau, Hawaii.
University of Hawaii-Manoa, Social Science Research Institute: $5,000 Preserving Hawaii's Heritage grant to develop a source book of the first class of Military Intelligence Service.
The Lahaina Restoration Foundation: $5,000 Preserving Hawaii's Heritage grant to translate and preserve recently discovered documents on the Wo Hing Society.
The Caledonian Society of Hawaii: $2,500 Publications Assistance grant to publish copies of a narrative history.
The Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park: $2,457 to publish a 12-page brochure that will supplement the Hawaii Plantation Village experience.
Pili Productions: $2,500 Publications Assistance grant to publish copies of a book in Hawaiian and English.
Children's Literature of Hawaii: $2,500 Publications Assistance grant to publish an anthology of presentations made at the 1998 biennial children's literature conference.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. presented grants to: the John Howard Association of Hawaii, $1,000; the Waipahu High School Cheerleaders, $1,732; the Leukemia Society of America Inc., $335; and Kawananakoa Intermediate School, $2,000.
March of Dimes Chapter of the Pacific awarded grants to the following community agencies: Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter, $2,000; Kapiolani's Teen Intervention Program, $3,500; Kauai Rural Health Association's Teen Parenting Conference, $2,000; the Maternal and Child Health Branch of the Department of Health, $5,000; Community Clinic of Maui, $3,500; Na Hulu Mamo Ohana Way, $3,500; Family Support Services of West Hawaii, $2,500; and the Edu-Center for Nurses Annual Perinatal Nursing Conference, $1,000.
The Victoria S. & Bradley L. Geist Foundation awarded $100,000 to the Blueprint for Change, a child welfare reform initiative.
Friends of the Library awarded Continuing Education grants to: Dawn Casey, Arlene Ching, Sharon Fong, Beryl Goo, Patti Lei Meerians, Wendi Woodstrup, Stewart Chun, Joyce Felmet, Caroline Hurley, Sylvia Mitchell, Susan H. Nakata, Lani Scott, Edna Weeks, Carolyn S. Young, Sally Young and Marya Brown Zoller. The grants allow recipients to attend Public Library Association or American Library Association conferences.