Monday, February 21, 2000
Use "Across" software to solve
the puzzle on your computer.
Instructions and the .puz file here.
1. Irmgard
6. ___-San
10. Cookie man Wally
14. Natural fabric
15. Tired
16. Give good reviews to
17. TV, Newspaper etc. ...
18. Landed
19. Toward shelter
20. Fuss
21. Tita's aikane
23. Maui vegetables
25. No mo'
26. High school dance
27. Steel guitarist Bobby
30. Dim sum wrapper
34. Wild duck
35. Kauai mauna
36. Gov't tax guys
37. By word of mouth
38. Puhi
39. Clayton,
40. Not elsewhere specified: abbr.
41. Waikiki surf site
42. Fracas
43. Replied
45. Kawaiahao mele
46. God
47. Poi ingredient
48. Vocalist Benitez
51. Sayonara: hyph.
52. Honest __
55. Lion's call
56. Presidential hopeful Al
58. Memos
60. Designer Namba
61. Break __: 2 wds.
62. Dried fruits
63. Kuromame
64. Hanafuda set
65. Kakimochi
1. __ Mater
2. Made shibai
3. Reverse
4. Maile garland
5. Kukui nut relish
6. Ghost
7. ___ mai
8. Onaga
9. Richardson school product
10. Dasheen
11. Loincloth
12. Imu
13. Perceives
22. Delicious
24. Musical sound
25. Jail; prison
26. Holes
27. Led Kaapana's group
28. Okazu-ya decor
29. Bottle material
30. Earth
31. Nosy
32. Groom; primp
33. First-generation Japanese
35. Plover
38. Leafy Filipino vegetable
39. Loosen
41. Mommy oama
42. Surfer Dino
44. Actor Beatty
45. Papale
47. Korean seafood delicacy
48. Plain, non-descript
49. No ka oi: hyph.
50. Hindu prince
51. Journey
52. Indian flour
53. Primo, once
54. Being
57. Life: Hwn.
59. Outrigger implement
Solution to last week's puzzle:
Answers next week