HAPPY Valentine's Day, and I hope your day turns out well. Remember when we thought the roses carried around in restaurants by flower girls were a bit pricey? Well, that was before someone realized Talk about stress:
V-Day first datedesperate men will pay anything for roses around Valentine's Day. A note in Queen's Hospital, where I was visiting a friend, stated that roses could be picked up for a mere $48. And that's for a half-dozen! Where are those good old wood-roses when we need them ... KCCN sports producer Kevin Hayashi gets ribbed by fellow broadcasters about not being able to get a date, kind of like how Jay Leno gigs bandleader Kevin Eubanks on the "Tonight" show. But Hayashi's colleagues arranged for him to have a first date with Myers Advertising's Holly Kaneko tonight, complete with limo, dining attire, a romantic dinner for two at Hoku's and yes, even flowers. Here's hoping his luck changes ...
THIS column may not be the perfect place to mention this, but the University of Hawaii's Health Education Center held its Condom Fair 2000 this morning. Thousands were expected to attend, and a press release states that staff at the center hope to educate college students on "healthy sexual decision-making through abstinence, negotiation skills, and condom use." It would be interesting to sit on on the "negotiation skills" session, to see if both sides are covered ...
Forever Young
SO why, do you suppose, was San Francisco 49er quarterback Steve Young, a victim of four concussions, applauding along with the rest of the audience at Dick Jensen's Waikiki Terrace Hotel show last week? It might have something to do with -- local angle always at the ready -- the girl he intends to marry next month is the niece of Judy Jensen, the entertainer's ex-wife ...YOU want local angles? This may sound a bit convoluted, so pay attention: "The Tigger Movie," released by Disney over the weekend, has a song from Kenny Loggins' new release, "More Songs from Pooh Corner," entitled "Your Heart Will Lead You Home." On the same CD, released last week, is a song composed by Loggins, his wife Julia, and Barry Flanagan, one half of Hapa. The cut, "Hana Aluna Lullaby," features Loggins, Flanagan and the other half of Hapa, Kelii Kanealii, all singing Hawaiian. Hapa plays as well ...
IT opened to little, if any, fanfare, but Eaton "Bob" Magoon's musical, "13 Daughters," was performed last week by Iolani School, and one of those in attendance was Magoon himself. Now 77, Magoon opined, "The show is almost 50 years old and it still just comes alive. I'm happy to see that kids today still have that magic." The musical opened in Honolulu at HCT (now Diamond Head Theatre) in 1956 and was presented on Broadway five years later with Don Ameche playing Chun, a rich Chinese merchant. This, mind you, in the days before "politically correct" ethnic casting demands ...
Air Perry
NORMALLY, Michael W. Perry airs his views on the airwaves, but now he's taken to new heights and cast himself from an airplane. He was in tandem, though not with his broadcast partner on KSSK, Larry Price. Perry was holding tight to a member of the Army's elite Golden Knights parachute team two miles above Hickam. The event was captured on helmetcam for last night's episode of "The Hawaiian Moving Company." ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com