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Island Images

Tuesday, February 8, 2000

Command decision

Photos by George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin
His troops may include wizards and monsters, but there are still rules.
Seventeen-year-old Todd Aoki ponders his next ploy in a game of
Warhammer "40,000" during the annual Warhammer Tournament
last night at Ward Warehouse. Players use not only military strategy
but also gamesmanship in rating other players. They also get points
for attention given to the "look" of miniatures such as Shawn
Albritton's dragon, below, which seems to keep watch
over his master's moves.
Martial artistry

By Kathryn Bender, Star-Bulletin
Peter Lopez of the United States kicks Oscar Salzar during the
9th U.S. Open Taekwondo Championships held this past weekend
at Blaisdell Arena. Lopez won the senior bantam division.
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