WITH his son, Tony Jr., all set for a rare start in the Super Bowl game Sunday, Tony Dorsett still found time to play in the Hula Bowl Golf Tournament at the Dunes at Maui Lani last weekend. Dorsett seemed to be a somewhat suspicious sort. When riding the course in a golf court with Maui Lani's Leiann Goo, Elizabeth Reilly and Evangeline Yacuk, Dorsett Kiawe trees judged creepy
pointed at a cluster of trees and stopped to stare at them. "Those poor trees are dead," Dorsett commented. Reilly explained that they were kiawe trees and were supposed to look that way, but Dorsett wasn't buying. "I don't care what you say," he said warily, "they're dead, and I wouldn't want to be here when it's a full moon. Too creepy." Dorsett was one of a group of past Heisman winners playing in the tourney. More than one person commented that Gino Toretta was a dead-ringer for KITV's Gary Sprinkle ...
SMALL wonder that Rod Tam was the one to bring back visions of kindergarten to state employees by suggesting we spend more than $600,000 of taxpayer money to provide snacks for these people and encourage them to take naps. His name spelled backward is Dor Mat! How about just suggesting these hard-driven state workers merely get a good night sleep like the rest of us not at the public trough? Tam has now opened himself up to future political opponents who merely have to vow not to sleep on the job ...
Randy's a dandy
KNOWN primarily as a singer of gospel music, Randy Hongo also keeps busy by coaching young women in talent preparations for local beauty pageants. The year has scarcely begun, and already he's two for two with a great shot at No. 3 around the corner. On Jan. 9, his student, Liane Mark, was named Miss Oahu 2000 -- she's a fellow Yale student with Randy's son, Andrew. A week later (on Jan. 15), another voice student, Libby Lum, was crowned the 51st Narcissus Queen. Hongo's hoping for a third victory by coaching his niece, Vicky Toma, as she prepares for the Cherry Blossom Queen pageant in March. Hongo also coached former Miss Hawaii Cheryl Toma and former Cherry Blossom Queen Laurie Toma, both cousins of Vicky's ...SHORT in stature, but tall in talent: That would be Pat Morita and Emme Tomimbang, who'll be introducing statuesque Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom and robust Willy K tomorrow night when they do their first concert of the year 2000 together at the Fiesta Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Lots of locals and expatriates are expected to be on hand to cheer them on ... And Hapa is all set to do a concert March 4 at Symphony Space in New York City, sponsored by the Hawaii Cultural Foundation. It'll be an opportunity for the haole half of Hapa, Barry Flanagan, to revisit his roots ... And beginning Feb. 16, Rolando Sanchez & Salsa Hawaii will be providing live music at the luxurious new nightspot, Zanzabar ...
The other Sen. Inouye
THERE surely must be some confusion when you hear Sen. Inouye and a group of isle entertainers were whooping it up in the Side Street Cafe. No, it wasn't Sen. Dan Inouye, in Washington, but state Sen. Lorraine Inouye, having a little pre-celebration celebration at the Kakaako eatery the night before the state Legislature was to open. Among those on hand were Kimo Kahoano and Carole Kai -- searching for stars? The group gathered again the next morning with both the Society of Seven and the Divas performing ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com