Monday, January 24, 2000
Use "Across" software to solve
the puzzle on your computer.
Instructions and the .puz file here.
1. Hanauma fish
5. Soup base
10. Animal rights org.
14. Margarine
15. Jordan capital
16. Knitting instructions
17. Smell: Spanish
18. Molokai town
20. Pidgin scholar
22. Eel
23. Sea eagles
24. Stately trees
26. Liholiho's chair
29. Lotus
30. Make kapu
33. Kailua's isle
34. Chopsticks
35. Become makule
36. Cuckoos
37. O'Donnell
38. Hadaka
39. Ohta-___
40. Colors
41. Melveen
42. Spanish uncle
43. Same old, same old
44. Na hale
46. Peacekeeping org.
47. Till
48. Samples
51. Bald
55. Good fun
58. Medley
59. Quote
60. Large artery
61. Quiet period
62. Magic Island pests
63. Pine needles
64. Allay
1. Screwdriver
2. "__ want for Christmas ..."
3. Sign gas
4. Very nani
5. That thing
6. Get choke amounts
7. Pilau stuff
8. Chinese dynasty
9. Medical suffix
10. Bridges
11. Hole
12. Jutting rock
13. Hawaiian royalty
19. State tree
21. Vase
24. Desert watering hole
25. Tennis' Arthur
26. Crunchy bread
27. Adopt
28. Horned mammal
29. "__ makes waste"
30. Bleated
31. Nod
32. Requires
34. Truly
37. Melee
38. Hawaii Kai sight
40. Mililani or Haunani
44. Done: 2 words
45. Obake sound?
46. Weddings: French
47. Acts habut
48. Licensing agency
49. Galloway or Ostrem
50. Matsunaga
51. Ernie's aikane
52. Two
53. Is sick
54. Sanford
56. Slom
57. Chicken: Hawaiian
Solution to last week's puzzle:
Answers next week