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Thursday, January 20, 2000

Trawick Artists Management Inc.
Alexandra Hughes will play the role of Brangane
in HOT's "Tristan Und Isolde."
Some like it HOT
Indulge in a world of passion, power and intrigue -- the world of opera. In conjunction with the Hawaii Opera Theatre 2000 season a series of free lectures at Borders Ward Centre will not only cover music highlights of the three scheduled productions, but also provide background information on each of them.
The operas being staged this year are "Tristan Und Isolde," "The Barber of Seville" and "Madama Butterfly."
The first lecture, at 1 p.m. Sunday, will be on "Tristan and Isolde." Others in the series will take place in February.
"Tristan Und Isolde" will be performed Jan. 28 and 30 and Feb. 1 at the Blaisdell Concert Hall. Call HOT at 596-7858 for tickets. Information about HOT, the opera season, education programs and more can be obtained by calling HOT at 596-7372 or by sending email to www.hawaiiopera.org.

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