Singer’s Kona
case isn’t over
Whitney Houston is still
By Rod Thompson
under investigation in the
marijuana matter
Star-BulletinKAILUA-KONA -- It would be difficult to prosecute actress and singer Whitney Houston, allegedly found with about half an ounce of marijuana at the Kona airport last week, but the case remains under investigation, Kona Vice Lt. Robert Hickcox said today.
Airport security found 15.2 grams of the drug in a cloth handbag allegedly belonging to Houston, but there was no identification in the bag linking it to her, Hickcox said.
Houston allegedly left the bag behind at a security checkpoint and only witness reports linked her to it, he said. Police were attempting to interview those witness today, but many were unavailable because they were at a meeting called by airport authorities to review security procedures.
The amount of marijuana was so small that the only charge which could be filed would be a petty misdemeanor, Hickcox said.
Authorities do not normally invest a lot of time and money in a petty misdemeanor, but the investigation is not over, he said.
"We're conducting our normal investigation."
Prosecutor Jay Kimura could not be reached for comment but told the Hawaii Tribune Herald he is awaiting the results of the police investigation before deciding if charges could be filed.