Kokua Line
To help you start off the new year, here's Kokua Line's list of useful telephone numbers and addresses. A continuously updated list will be available daily at our Web site, starbulletin.com: List of useful numbers
may come in handy
Abandoned vehicles: Call the city, 733-2530.
Aircraft nuisance: For civilian aircraft, call the state, 1-888-697-7813; for military: If branch is unknown, call U.S. Pacific Command, 477-6282; Army, 655-8727; Navy/Marine, 257-2121 (day) or 257-2898 (night); Air Force, 449-2490; Coast Guard, 541-2121; National Guard, 733-4258.
Animal nuisance: Roosters, barking dogs, etc., call Hawaiian Humane Society, 946-2187.
Better Business Bureau of Hawaii: For the latest scams, to check a company/charity's record or to file complaints, call 536-6956.
Book/magazine donations: Call Friends of the Library, 536-4174. They'll take donations or refer you elsewhere.
Child Seat Hotline: To report toddlers not secured in car safety seats, call 1-800-868-7300.
Christmas cards: Send old Christmas cards, preferably already cut and sorted, to be made into picture books for hospitalized children to Cindy Delgado, 47-158 Lile Place, Kaneohe, HI 96744. Call 239-1163.
Computer donations: The Detwiler Foundation in California coordinates donations of old computers for the DOE. Call 1-800-939-6000.
Consumer protection: For consumer-related complaints/questions, call state Office of Consumer Protection, 587-3222.
Credit ratings: To get copies of credit reports, call Experian, 1-800-682-7654; Trans Union, 1-800-888-4213; Equifax, 1-800-685-1111. Call 1-888-567-8688 to have your name excluded from lists of names "prescreened" and sold by credit bureaus.
Environmental concern line (city): Call 527-5091 to report illegal dumping or non-point source pollution; volunteer for environmental projects; or to get information on recycling, household hazardous wastes, bulky item pickups, etc.
Junk mail: To stop the unwanted flow, write to Mail Preference Service, c/o Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008.
Landlord-tenant problems: Call the state, 586-2634.
"Live Aloha" bumper stickers: Send self-addressed, stamped envelope to Live Aloha, 165 Waokanaka Pl., Honolulu 96817 or The Hawaii Community Foundation, 900 Fort St. Mall, Honolulu 96813. No charge, but donations welcomed. Check the Web site: www.Hawaiian.com
Neighborhood Justice Center: To help mediate neighborhood disputes, call 521-6767.
Noise complaints: Call police at 911 or Health Department's noise and radiation branch, 586-4700.
Potholes: On state roads, call 536-7852; city, 527-6006.
Rats and other pests: Call the state, 831-6767.
Sanitation complaints: Call the state, 586-8000.
Sidewalk, overgrown lots, other housing code violations: Call the city, 527-6308.
State ID card: To obtain or renew a card, call 587-3111.
Street light outages: City streets, call 523-4281;state, 831-6702 during normal work hours or leave a message at 831-6714 at any hour. Be specific on location.
Street signs that are damaged/missing/faded: Call the city, 523-4029.
Telemarketing calls: To reduce solicitations, write to Telephone Preference Service, P.O. Box 9014, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014.
TheBus stops: For questions, complaints or suggestions, call by district, 523-4582 (Honolulu); 527-6345 (Waianae/Leeward); 527-6394 (Central/North Shore/Windward).
Tobacco Prevention and Education Project: Call the state, 586-461.
Water Wasting Hotline: To report water waste by an individual, business or government agency, call BWS, 527-6126.
Need help with problems? Call Kokua Line at 525-8686,
fax 525-6711, or write to P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu 96802.
Email to kokualine@starbulletin.com