HAWAII Five-O takes on new meaning this year for Bob Sevey, the anchorman who ruled Hawaii's TV airwaves when Joe Moore was still reporting sports. Or maybe still in high school. Sevey and wife Rosalie will be back in the islands briefly when they celebrate their Seveys mark
Big 5-0Big 5-0 wedding anniversary on board a cruise ship headed to Fiji and Australia via Hawaii. It's something of a miracle the two have made it to 50 years of wedded bliss since both once smoked cigarettes like fiends ... Meanwhile, Tim Tindall, who was a fellow newscaster with Sevey on KGMB in the old days and more recently anchoring at KITV, is now Internet-connected at enewshawaii.com ...
SPEAKING of Tindall, his longtime girlfriend from those KGMB days, Carol & Mary TV spokeswoman Carmen Hedlund, got married on Dec. 28 to Tom Doyle in San Francisco and will be in Hawaii to celebrate their marriage with friends Saturday at an Outrigger Canoe Club reception ... As it happened, I was with a neighbor of Carmen's in San Francisco the evening she and Doyle met, and we all partied into the night, little suspecting it would one day lead to an altar. A further coincidence: My S.F. pal and Doyle knew each other from Santa Clara University ... And to further wrap up all this, Tindall has for some time been dating Pat Moore, former wife of Joe Moore ...
Lose weight, gain pain
THERE's a TV ad for a diet pill called Meridia that contains so many provisos for not taking it there was hardly time to tell the good effects. I looked it up on the Internet and found numerous warnings: Don't take it if you're allergic to it or have anorexia nervosa and don't take it with other diet pills. Side effects can happen if it's taken with medicines to treat depression and don't take it if you have severe liver or kidney disease. Talk to a doctor before taking it if you have glaucoma, seizures, gallstones, bleeding disorder, a history of heart disease, congestive heart failure or an irregular heartbeat. Also if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It can make you dizzy so be careful if you drive a car or use machinery. Side effects: rash or hives, seizures, trouble breathing, swelling in your feet or lower legs, fast or irregular heartbeat, headache, constipation, nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, feeling nervous or dizzy, runny nose or sore throat. Then comes the clincher: "This medicine works best if you follow a low-calorie diet and exercise regularly." My question: If you do that, who needs a pill? ...TAKING over the position of HEI communications director vacated by Scott Shirai when he elected to move to Denver is Alan Yamamoto. Politicos know him as a key aide to Rep. Neil Abercrombie ...
Rohr-ing right along
WANT to know who's going to win the Sony Open? Waikoloa president Tom Rohr would normally predict his PGA touring pro, Peter Jacobsen, as the politically correct choice. But after playing a round at Waialae with once and future UH football coaches Dick Tomey and June Jones, Rohr was so impressed with the fourth member of their group, amateur Parker McLachlin, who shot a 66, that he predicts a top ten finish and possible championship trophy for him. It doesn't hurt that McLachlin also holds the Waikoloa Beach Course record at 59. Still, Rohr is hosting a reception for Jacobsen and Jones next week at the Outrigger ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com