People, places, sharks, spirit
Star-BulletinTHIS listing of new books about Hawaii or by Hawaii writers is published on the last Friday of each month.
"Come Back to Wai'oli: A Brief History of the Wai'oli Tea Room": by Bette McAbee Vincent Stillwell, 124 pages, hardcover
Two young Salvation Army women, assigned to establish a residential care center for Hawaii's neglected children, secured a large piece of property in Manoa. The Wai'oli Tea Room was built to provide vocational training opportunities for the maturing young people. The book is filled with photographs from Wai'oli's past and present that explore the significance of the reputation that the Tea Room developed over the years.
"Hawaiian Values Series": by Susan Entz and Sheri Galarza, $44.95, six 24 page books and an audio tape, Bess Press, paperback
The series includes "The Mystery of the Shark and the Poi," "How the Canoe Got Its Sail," "The Clever Opihi," "The Guardian Owl," "Menehune Mischief," "Pele the Volcano Goddess," "Hawaiian Values Curriculum Guide" and an audio tape of songs. Hawaiian legends and stories teach values such as sharing, family, helping, humility, working together and more. Each book is a coloring storybook and includes parent/child activities that meet the needs of children with different learning styles.
"Keoni's Dream": by Jack Kelly, $17.95, 48 pages, Pleiades Publishing, hardcover
Keoni is forced to care for his mother and their coffee farm after the death of his father. Development that threatens forests, beaches and open spaces raise his awareness of the importance of the conservation and preservation of natural resources and culture of Hawaii. He turns to his ancestors for answers and learns that the power of traditional values of ancient Hawaiian society are still relevant in today's world.
"The Lessons of Aloha: Stories of the Human Spirit": with Brother Noland and Photographer Shuzo Uemoto, $18.95, 144 pages, Watermark Publishing, softcover
Inspirational stories of Hawaii's people express the spirit of aloha. Here are farmers and fisherman who learn from the land; executives who give back to the community; kupuna who keep the old ways alive; people who have conquered addiction and personal tragedy.
"Sharks and Rays of the World": by Doug Perrine, $29.95, 132 pages, Voyageur Press, hardcover
A general description of the natural history of sharks and rays is provided, highlighting the more colorful and popular species such as the great white shark, manta ray, whale shark and electric ray. Reproduction, feeding, body form and sensory adaptations are also covered. Lavishly illustrated with color photography.
1. "Hide and Seek in Hawaii," Jane Hopkins and Ian Gillespie, Mutual Publishing (1)
2. "Hawaiian Flowers Cut-Out Paper Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (2)
3. "Golden Children of Hawaii Cut-Out Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (3)
4. "Baby Honu's Incredible Journey," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage
5. "Hawaiian Marine Life Color & Activity Book," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (4)
6. "Limu -- The Blue Turtle," Kimo Armitage, Island Heritage (8)
7. " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas," edited by Valjeanne Budar, The Bess Press
8. "Ke Ahiahi Mamua Kalikimaka," Clement Moore, Bess Press
9. "Moki the Gecko's Best Christmas Ever," Bruce Hale, Words + Pictures Publishing
10. "Native Animals of Hawaii Coloring Book," Patrick Ching, The Bess Press
1. "Sam Choy's Kitchen," Sam Choy, Mutual Publishing
2. "Sam Choy's Poke," Sam Choy, Mutual Publishing
3. "Hawaii," Douglas Peebles, Mutual Publishing
4. "Travelogue Kauai," Steven Goldsberry, Mutual Publishing
5. "Maui's Hana Highway," Angela Kay Kepler, Mutual Publishing
6. "Unbearably Good! Mochi Lovers Cookbook," Teresa Devirglio, self-published
7. "Na Leo Lani 25th Anniversary Cookbook," Na Leo Lani Chorus, self-published
8. "Kauai Movie Book," Chris Cook, Mutual Publishing
9. "Discover Kauai," Stu Dawrs, Island Heritage (2)
10. "Capturing Maui," Ray Mains, Mutual Publishing (9)
1. "Hawaiian Journey," Joseph Mullins, Mutual Publishing (2)
2. "Numbah One Day of Christmas," edited by Valjeanne Budar, The Bess Press
3. "New Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary," Mary Kawena Pukui et al., University of Hawaii Press (3)
4. "Obake Files," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing (7)
5. "The Art of Hula," Allan Seiden, Island Heritage
6. "Waikiki Yesteryear," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
7. "Ancient Sites of Hawaii," Van James, Mutual Publishing
8. "Entertaining Hawaiian Style," Patricia Fry, Island Heritage
9. "Glen Grant's Chicken Skin Tales," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing (8)
10. "Driving & Discovering Oahu," Richard Sullivan, Island Heritage
1. "Hawaii's Story," Lydia Liliuokalani, Mutual Publishing (1)
2. "Legends & Myths Of Hawaii," David Kalakaua, Mutual Publishing
3. "Stories of Hawaii," Jack London, Mutual Publishing
4. "Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands," Gavan Daws, University of Hawaii Press (9)
5. "Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts," W. D. Westervelt, Mutual Publishing (7)
6. "South Seas Tales," Jack London, Mutual Publishing
7. "Hawaiian Folktales," Thomas G. Thrum, Mutual Publishing
8. "Betrayal of Liliuokalani," Helena Allen, Mutual Publishing (6)
9. "Hawaiian Reader Vol. II," A. Grove Day (editor), Mutual Publishing
10. "Honolulu Mysteries," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
1. "Hawaii's Fishes," John Hoover, Mutual Publishing
2. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Trees and Shrubs," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual Publishing (2)
3. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Birds," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual Publishing (4)
4. "Battleship Missouri," Ronn Ronck, Mutual Publishing
5. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. I", Poakalani and John Serrao, Mutual Publishing
6. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's, Underwater Paradise," by John Hoover, Mutual Publishing
7. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. II," Poakalani and John Serrao, Mutual Publishing
8. "Handy Hawaiian Dictionary," John F. G. Stokes, Mary Kawena Pukui, Henry P. Judd, Mutual Publishing
9. "Things Hawaiian -- Guide To Language," Albert Schutz, Island Heritage
10. "Pocket Guide To Hawaii's Flowers," Leland Miyano, Mutual Publishing (1)
These are best-selling books in Hawaii during November 1999. Figures are courtesy of the Hawaii Book Publishers Association and Booklines distributors, and reflect sales by Hawaii-based publishers. Numbers in parenthesis indicates a title's previous ranking.
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