Millennium Moments
Amid the downtown high-rises sits a six-story structure on Merchant Street called the Stangenwald Building. First 'skyscraper' debuted in 1901
Its claim to fame? It was Honolulu's first "skyscraper" when it debuted in 1901, according to "Place Names of Hawaii" by Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel Elbert and Esther Mookini.
The building was likely named for Hugo Stangenwald, a doctor. His house on Iliahi Street, built around 1860, is still a residence today, the authors say.
City loses appeal on disabled parking
Charging disabled people for parking permits is discriminatory, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled.The city previously charged $10 for the permits, which allow people with disabilities to park in designated parking stalls. A federal judge earlier decided the city could collect the cost of issuing the permits, but was enjoined from collecting fees until the cost of the permits was determined.
But the decision was appealed because the city requires people with disabilities to have a placard or special license plate to park in designated parking spaces.
"We felt the entire amount was a surcharge because disabled people pay taxes just like anybody else and this amount -- whether it's $3, $5, or $10 -- is charged only to people with disabilities," said attorney Lunsford Dole Phillips, representing Henry Emerick.
Survey shows students like services at UH
The University of Hawaii-Manoa said 87 percent of students surveyed are satisfied with student support services, despite the introduction of a health fee for students in 1996.It said satisfaction has increased since 1990 in all areas but one, health services, which showed no change. Career Services and the Learning Assistance Center did the best, with a 22 percent gain in satisfaction. The 1999 survey was based on responses from 944 randomly selected students.
For more information, check and click on Student Assessment Reports.
Sony, A&B give maritime center digital video gear
Sony Hawaii Co. and the Alexander and Baldwin Foundation have donated nearly $20,000 worth of video equipment to the Hawaii Maritime Center.The donated DVD technology will replace 10-year-old equipment, said Bob Moore, general manager of the center.
The center offers exhibits and educational programs that focus on Hawaii's maritime history.
Taking Notice
Judge James S. Burns, a 1955 Saint Louis School graduate, has been named outstanding alumnus of 1999. Jeff Judd, a chemistry and computer multimedia teacher, was named teacher of the year. English teacher Guy Lee, business teacher Deacon Roy Matsuo and social science chair Lynne Horiuchi also received awards.
Justin Arbitrario received the Gilliland Scholar full-tuition award. Jakob Tokars, Jared Chong, Dom Cueva, Mark Duldulao, Patrick Britton and Jason Burgher received Clarence T.C. Ching Scholar awards.
Henry H. Wong $1,000 scholarships for students having the highest grade point average went to Andrew Choy, Luke Gregerson, Roger Tanaka, Dom Cueva, Kellen King, and Martin Ishikawa.
Marla Matsuo of the Hawaii Medical Service Association and Nolan Nip of Central Pacific Bank have been recognized by the Hawaii Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors for the successful completion of the Certified Internal Auditor examination.
John Scott Buchanan of Honolulu has been promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout by the Boy Scouts of America.
Helena Sena has been appointed director of development for the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. She was formerly with the University of Hawaii Foundation where she was development associate for scholarships and stewardship.
Dr. Jeffrey S. Wang has been appointed medical director of the new Pain Management program at St. Francis Medical Center.
Philip H. Ching of Honolulu has been given the Catholic Charities Treasure award for exemplary voluntarism since 1989.
The former First Hawaiian Bank executive has been most effective in fund-raising efforts, particularly for the agency's Golf Classic and the Friends of Catholic Charities.
Police, Fire, Courts
By Star-Bulletin staffHonolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
Police have leads on stabbings of 2 visiting gridders
See: OSU players stabbed in Waikiki
An Oregon State football player stabbed early yesterday morning in Waikiki is in stable condition at Queen's Hospital.Twenty-one-year-old Charles O'Neal, a 6-foot-2, 288-pound junior defensive tackle was stabbed in the back between 4 and 4:30 a.m., shortly after leaving a Jack in the Box Restaurant at 2310 Kuhio Ave. with teammate Paul Luoma.
Luoma, 26, was treated for a cut at Queen's and released. Luoma returned to Corvallis, Ore., yesterday with the Oregon State team, which lost 23-17 to the University of Hawaii in the Jeep Oahu Bowl on Christmas Day.
Two men were involved in the attack on the Oregon State players.
Police, who are conducting an attempted-murder investigation, have leads on the suspects and are gathering information about the attack from witnesses.
The night manager of the fast-food restaurant said the two players came in, ordered food and left. There was no incident or confrontation inside the restaurant, he said.
O'Neal and Luoma had been at the Deja Vu Showgirls nightclub across the street from the Jack in the Box restaurant at about 4 a.m.
They were attacked from behind by two men, one of whom had a knife and the other a stick.
O'Neal was stabbed with a 4-inch knife that was stuck in his back when police arrived at the scene at 4:33 a.m. His attacker is about 5-11, 280 pounds and was wearing a black shirt and shorts, police said.
Man's finger amputated after Waikiki scuffle
A 50-year-old Waikiki resident had his left ring finger amputated following a scuffle yesterday fronting his Ala Wai Boulevard apartment.Police said the man confronted the suspect, who was urinating in front of his apartment building.
Witnesses told police they saw the suspect pick up the man and throw him onto the roadway during the scuffle but saw no weapon.
Police responded to the scene at 7:10 p.m.
The man, who was intoxicated, suffered lacerations on his forehead, left eye and left palm.
The suspect, who may have been armed with a samurai-type sword, is about 35 years old, 5-10 and 170 pounds with blond hair. He fled the scene and is still at large.
Masked gunman robs Angie's Liquor Store
A masked gunman robbed Angie's Liquor Store at 68A N. Hotel St. yesterday at 8:35 p.m. of an undisclosed amount of cash.No injuries were reported.