Island Images

Tuesday, December 21, 1999

Visions of gingerbread, nativity

By Kathryn Bender, Star-Bulletin
Above: The Pacific Beach Hotel provides some grand
entertainment for Yudai Furuie, 2, top right. "Gingerville,"
a Hawaiian village of ginger houses with a train circling
the 100 pounds of chocolate and 300 pounds of sugar,
was created by Chef John Nagaishi with a staff of five
bakers. The village, which took three months to build,
includes people made of 10 pounds of marzipan. It also
includes Kawaiahao Church, huts, canoes, tikis and
a chocolate volcano, complete with "lava."
Below: This living nativity on the grounds of the Waioli
Tea Room in Manoa Valley is playing every evening
through Dec. 24. In this scene from last night, Joseph
is played by Michael Chow, Mary by Abralene Chow
and the angel by Sharon Badoyan. The Salvation Army
is presenting this re-enactment of the first Christmas with
volunteer actors and live animals for the 17th year.
By George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin