SOME of the finest art photography done in the islands is the work of Kim Taylor Reece. Some of it features the early Hawaii look, with the women often dancers not wearing tops. Some of his works are outright nudes. In any case, they're sensual without being "sexy" and show the warmth of Hawaii's women as few art pieces do. Reece now has a new coffee table book of his photos entitled simply, "Wahine," and it's being unveiled tonight from 5 to 8 at Gordon Biersch in the Aloha Tower Marketplace. It sells for $34.95. If you would like to check out Reece's North Shore gallery, it's on the Internet at http://www.kimtaylorreece.com ... Reece is best
with Wahine
Politics as usual
IF the adage, "Good things come in threes," is correct, we're one Trask sister short. Checkov had "The Three Sisters," Wendy Wasserstein created three "Sisters Rosensweig," Lear hadthree daughters and Laura Ingalls had her two sisters in the "Little House" books. Mulling female twosomes, one thinks of the bloodthirsty "Thelma and Louise," who weren't sisters. But Haunani-Kaye and especially Mililani Trask, create more drama than all the other groups combined. Little wonder so many hackles were raised in the Hawaiian community when Mililani called Sen. Dan Inouye a "one-armed bandit." It'll surely come back to haunt her - and possibly OHA as well - if it hasn't already ...
POLITICS in Hawaii is always interesting to watch, whether it deals with our senior senator in Washington getting bashed after losing his arm in battle in World War II, or a not so neighborly Neighborhood Board meeting. Take the ever interesting Board No. 5. Please! You may recall they'd been asked to vacate their meeting place at the Ala Wai Clubhouse, later rescinded. But they met last week in a basement on Campbell Avenue which annoyed maverick board member Mike Palcic, who saw fit to write the mayor about it. His letter to Mayor Jeremy Harris complained the room is inaccessible to wheelchair users. That wouldn't affect many boards, but this one has a member who employs a heavy motorized wheelchair, and the chairman of the board had been so notified in advance of the meeting. After the initial Ala Wai Clubhouse decision, an item here mentioned that Board No. 5 was looking for "new digs." Says Palcic, "Well, they've dug themselves a hole this time." ...
The language of Christmas
IT'S become a tradition at Pearlridge Center for a special Santa to show up to "talk" to deaf children. The "Signing Santa" and his interpreter Elf were at the Center Sunday and besides hearing the wishes of some 50 deaf kids, Santa was interviewed by Barbara Wallace of KHNL with the help of the Elf. Signing Santa will again be on hand Dec. 10 and more than 100 deaf kids from throughout the state are expected after Wallace put out a plea for sponsors to help pay the way of Neighbor Island kids. In addition to what Santa promises, the Church of Saints Peter and Paul have donated presents and treats for all the deaf children ...ONE of the highlights at the Queen's Medical Center Auxiliary's "Festival of Trees" this weekend is called the "Celebritree Silent Auction." It features trees designed by well known entertainers. You can bid on trees created by the likes of illusionist John Hirokawa or singer Karen Keawehawai'i. And you have to wonder what the "Baywatch Hawaii" tree will look like ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com