A federal judge has thrown out the results of an election that re-elected Tony Rutledge secretary-treasurer of Local 5 of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union. Judge throws out
Local 5 electionSenior U.S. District Judge Sam King ordered a new election after declaring the January 1998 election null and void. The U.S. Labor Department had filed a lawsuit, challenging the election. The election generated controversy because the union wouldn't allow Eric Gill to run against Rutledge. Gill charged union incumbents illegally changed union bylaws to prevent his candidacy. Union officials countered that Gill couldn't be a candidate because he hadn't paid his dues.
King held the union denied members another candidate to chose from by disqualifying Gill.
Gill said he felt vindicated by King's ruling, and plans to run again. Rutledge said the union may appeal the ruling.