Rant & Rave
RESPONSIBILITIES are the things that you are obligated to do. These can be as simple as feeding your dog, making your bed and doing your homework, allowing you to get along with your family and the rest of society. Facing up to results
of your actionsThe most crucial responsibility is the task of living up to the consequences of your own actions.You will make many choices in life -- some good and some bad -- and no one but you will be responsible for them.
Responsibilities are sometimes viewed as burdens that often leave people stressed. It would be nice if we weren't responsible for anything, but that's not how life goes. Everyone has responsibilities and it only takes one irresponsible act to change a life forever.
WHEN I was 16 years old I was a very carefree person. I had nothing to lose. I was on the Honor Roll and I was an All-star cheerleader with a steady boyfriend. I was also a responsible person. I didn't go out and drink or do drugs, and I never got into trouble. I felt like a mature person.
My boyfriend and I had been going out for almost a year. We became so comfortable together that we weren't always responsible, and one day, it caught up to us.
Because I was irresponsible, I am now seven months pregnant. Life used to be so easy because I only had to be responsible for my own actions and now, I have to watch what I do for my sake and my baby's.
My responsibilities have increased due to this change in my life. I have to watch what I eat as well as my finances. I can't spend money on myself anymore; I have to save it for the baby. I can only imagine what my responsibilities will be like once I give birth; they are sure to increase.
I realize that I can't go off and blame my situation on somebody else. Like I said before, we are responsible for our own actions. Some people deny the wrongful actions that they have done, and they get rid of the problem. That's not taking responsibility of your actions. I felt that this was my fate, so I kept the baby and I'm willing to take on future responsibilities because I put this on myself.
Not only do I have the responsibility of my baby, I also have the responsibility to continue pursuing my dreams. I can no longer be even a little irresponsible. I must finish high school. I must think every situation through in order to make the right choices for me and my baby.
Everyone's born with certain responsibilities. The older you get, the greater your responsibilities get. If you are a responsible person, your life will be a lot easier.
Jennifer Moon is a senior at Kaiser High School. Rant & Rave is a Tuesday Star-Bulletin feature
allowing those 12 to 22 to serve up fresh perspectives.
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