Monday, September 27, 1999
Hamada's station isn't den of hatemongers
I've heard some people make extremely outrageous statements, but Julie Rambo's comments in her Sept. 22 letter takes the "left-wing" cake. She sputtered about Mayor Harris' spot on Rick Hamada's "hate radio" station.Hate radio? Whoa, Julie! Sit down and take a couple of deep breaths. Hamada isn't a hatemonger, although I've heard him rag on the good-ol'-boy/do-nothing Democratic establishment.
Dr. Laura as a hatemonger? I've just heard her tell estranged parents that their first responsibility is to the children of that marriage, not to search for another sex partner.
Rush Limbaugh as a hatemonger? Sure, I've heard him bash the disgusting, duplicitous conduct of Bill Clinton, but I've never heard him or anyone on that station degrade, vilify or slander any race, religion or creed, except perhaps communism and fascism.
Art Todd
Caregivers of elderly need occasional rest
I found Diane Chang's Aug. 27 column on the Palolo Chinese Home, "A reprieve for full-time care givers," to be enlightening in a two-fold way:
There are too many strains on modern-day caregivers. They must work toward their retirement, put the kids through college and care for their elders. Too much! Something's got to give.She informed us of the availability of day care and overnight respite services for the elderly.
She touched on the Asian cultural axiom that the younger generation needs to look after and care for the elderly, and shouldn't expect an occasional break from such hard duty. Yet this cultural obligation is becoming unrealistic in today's world.
So, thanks for the column on the Palolo Chinese Home. Incidentally, despite its name, it is open to people of all races.
John Kasson
"I'm more worried about his (album) than I am about mine, because I'm fully into it in every which way. I like the idea of giving someone a chance."
Robert Kekaula
Sportscaster turned musician turned record producer
On Weldon Kekauoha's solo debut, "Hawaiian Man," produced on Kekaula's A Guava Ding Thing record label"Whoever did that to her, he's still alive. What I want to see happen is the guy to pay for it."
Leilani Casper
Mother of murder victim jubilee "maile" lum
A month after Lum's body was found inside a trash bag next to a dumpster on Beretania Street
Level of trustee pay is finally being questioned
It is interesting to follow the various proposals regarding the appropriate level of compensation for the Bishop Estate trustees.Yes, Kamehameha Schools/ Bishop Estate is a complex not-for-profit organization and does not fit the mold of many other organizations with similar overall purposes. KS/BE has special needs and requires extensive day-to-day management, although not necessarily by the trustees.
At the same time, there are many people, in Hawaii and elsewhere, who serve on the boards of other not-for-profit organizations. They do this as volunteers with a desire to contribute their time and expertise to the betterment of these organizations and the beneficiaries they serve.
Logically, this personal commitment to help others should even be stronger in Hawaii.
In this context, it is inconceivable that the question of trustee compensation has endured for so long. KS/BE, the people of Hawaii and everyone else involved in this seemingly endless charade should forget the bickering and get on with the real mission.
Randy Harris
Money to help homeless must be released
With the ongoing decline in Hawaii's economy, I believe its homeless problem is going to get worse. In fact, a huge homeless hurricane may be headed straight for this state. It will hit us with full force very soon!Are we prepared for this catastrophe? It will not come from without, but from within; not from visitors but from residents who are jobless and can no longer pay the rent.
Since Hawaii should take care of its most needy people first, I implore Governor Cayetano to do the right thing -- release the appropriated funding for homeless programs , the sooner, the better.
David Lane
People in this country need assistance, too
Our congressional delegation should realize that a real war is raging at home due to natural disasters on the mainland.We are spending billion of dollars to send troops and foreign aid all over the world to support ideologies most of us don't really care about. Yet it seems so little is done for our own people who are left homeless and helpless.
What will it take to send "troops" to help Americans on the mainland as aggressively as we do in other countries?
Must we create a "Department of Defense" that comes to the aid of its own country?
Charity begins at home.
Alexis Wong
Prayer event was wrongly portrayed
KHNL covered the Sept. 15 "See You At The Pole" youth prayer movement by focusing on complaints by a handful of Maui high school students, who claimed they were "pressured" to participate.However, this was clearly a remote incident that did not represent the tenor of what took place on campuses in our state and across the nation.
The real news is that more than 1,500 young people in Hawaii voluntarily and peacefully went to their school flag poles to pray, joining potentially several million across the country. The fact that some individuals interpreted comments as a form of "pressure" does not constitute an issue.
I know that greater "pressure" is felt by students who courageously chose to stand out from the crowd and exercise their constitutional rights to pray.
Kelii Akina
Executive Editor
Hawaii Youth for Christ
Series will become new shopping list
That was an excellent series on the premium prices that Hawaii folks pay for essentials ("What Price Paradise?," Sept. 1-2). The variance in costs was a real eye opener, and we finally have comparisons to guide us.There is no way that I will part with my copies of this great series. With these helpful comparisons in hand, I will make out my shopping list and respond by heading to those merchants who give us a fair deal. That goes for services like auto insurance, too. I'm grateful for your investigative reporting.
Polly Pool
Legislature Directory
Hawaii Revised Statutes
UH student news Ka Leo O Hawaii
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