The Search for Signs
of Hawaiian Life
in the Universe
Taste of aloha
Gordon Jay of Honolulu was killing time in the Munich, Germany, train station when he noticed this food kiosk. According to our in-house Deutsch-sprechers, "puten" means fowl, as in chicken or turkey. So we're talking about a breaded birdburger or or maybe a marinated cutlet, with pineapple and curry. Just stay away from the blutkase, Jay.
The Search for Signs of Hawaiian Life in the Universe is just that -- we're looking for evidence of Hawaiiana everywhere but Hawaii. Send snapshots and a description to TSFSOHLITU, Today Department, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, or e-mail JPEGS or TIFFs to
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