Monday, August 9, 1999
Name: Natalie K.S. Young-Aranita
Age: 42
Position: Commander, U.S. Naval Computer and
Telecommunications Stations in Sicily
Hobbies: Travel, cooking, eating
Two decades ago, Natalie K.S. Young-Aranita graduated from college with a teaching degree and a yen to travel. She joined the Navy, hoping that it would be a ticket to exotic places. Isle girl sees the world
Now -- after tours in Japan, Monterey in Northern California and several tours here -- she is in Italy as commander of a naval communications station in the Mediterranean.
"The Navy has been a very good career," said the 1975 Farrington High School graduate. "I've gotten training, education, administrative, management and leadership experience, and of course, the travel I originally wanted.
"From my 19 years in the Navy, I'd recommend it to all young adults ... It's turned out to be such a valuable experience and has given me so many opportunities -- to travel, learn and make new friends all over the world."
If she were given the opportunity to address students at her alma mater in Kalihi, Young-Aranita said she would encourage them "to seriously look into joining the military service because of the excellent training, education, work and life experiences they would get."
But regardless of what career fields they choose, Young-Aranita reminds young people today that "it's their attitude and how they interact with others that will be the key to their success. I hope that they all have a strong foundation of values to guide them, and hope they accept their responsibility to develop into productive citizens."
"The choices that they make are all theirs, but they should realize that their choices have an impact on others, too, whether they are family, friends or strangers," she said. "I hope they choose wisely."
Instrumental in her success, she said, were her parents, Harry and Betty Young; her brother-in-law, retired Navy Capt. Gary Jensen; and Farrington teacher Carol Emerson.
Her mother noted that when her daughter took over as commander of the communication station in Italy earlier this year, several Pearl Harbor employees with whom her daughter had worked went to Sicily, making the occasion "very meaningful."
Young-Aranita is married to Aaron Aranita of Waipahu, and the couple has two sons.
Young-Aranita, who went to Linfield College and Naval Postgraduate School, recently finished her dissertation for a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Southern California.
Gregg K. Kakesako, Star-Bulletin