TIME to eat? It almost always is if you're restaurateur Roy Yamaguchi. As he readies to celebrate another birthday, some of his chef pals and Emme Tomimbang, who's featured Roy on some of her "Emme's Island Moments" shows, came up with a surprise gift. Roy always used to tell folks he never wore a watch, the idea A timely birthday gift
perhaps being he was ready to serve up a meal at any time. Now that he's opened restaurants from New York to Tokyo, he's very nearly doing that, so the gang of chefs came up with a watch that inform him what the time is in every zone where he has a restaurant. It should come in handy in case he wants to check on preparations with the chef at any given Roy's ...
YOU can just imagine people doing a double take as they walk down the CD racks and see what looks like "The Dalai Lama's Greatest Hits." The Tibetan spiritual leader is featured on a new CD entitled "The 14th Dalai Lama in Hawaii," and there's a photo of His Holiness smiling and in what looks for all the world like a dance pose. The CD was the creation of Ven. Karma Lekshi Tsomo, the Tibetan Buddhist nun who brought the Dalai Lama to Hawaii five years ago. The CD contains narrative from his visit plus music and chants from Hawaii and Tibet. Tsomo recruited a talented group of collaborators for this major project, a fund-raiser for needy Tibetan causes. She lined up such people as Edgy Lee of Filmworks, as well as Daphne Chu, Michel Le, Eric Papayoanou, Linda Fong and Poka Lawnui. It'll soon be in record outlets, but in the meantime can be purchased from Sakyadhita Hawaii -- call 944-6294 for more info ...
Sand ball
FANS of volleyball, particularly beach volleyball, will have their fill tomorrow. Beginning at 8:30 p.m. and continuing until sunset is the second Players Championship of Volleyball at Queen's Beach. Members of both the UH men's and women's volleyball teams, past and present, will be participating in the two-player team event. Organizing the tournament is Marc Haine, son of the late Tom Haine, one of the great guys who was team captain of the U.S. Olympic Volleyball Team back in 1968. Making his own mark on the beach, Marc Haine is a standout in both paddling and volleyball with the Outrigger Canoe Club. Team winner of the annual Molokai Hoe, Marc's team also placed first in their division in the Nationals Volleyball Tournament ...IF the Hoku Awards didn't sate your desire for more awards shows, the Po'okela Awards will be handed out to members of the isle theater community Monday night. Entertainment will be by some of those nominated, Stefanie Smart, Andrew Sakaguchi, Dion Donahue, Kalani Brady and John Rampage doing numbers from "The King and I," "Kiss of the Spider Woman," "Oliver," "Fiddler on the Roof," and "42nd Street." ...
Posthumous pieces
WHILE Reuel Denney was best known as the co-author of "The Lonely Crowd," he was at work on a collection of his own prose and poetry when he died in Hawaii in 1995. His widow, Ruth, still lives in Waikiki and is understandably excited to see this new collection, "Feast of Strangers," be released by Greenwood Publishing. His "Lonely Crowd" co-author, David Riesman, wrote the foreword. And how could you not like a book with a piece about the last saloon in America to admit women, "McSorley's Bar." No wonder that crowd's lonely ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com