Tuesday, July 20, 1999

By George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin
Rachel Gibson, a 14-year-old Iolani student, says
the bandanna look is not for everyone.
Heads up on bandannas
With every summer comes a new way of controlling flyaway hair. A few years back we used scrunchies. Then came claws. Last year saw butterfly clips and insect barrettes. This year, we have the head scarf. But is it a fashion do or don't?
These colorful pieces of cloth first appeared a couple of months ago in teen magazines and catalogs such as Delia's. They've finally made it into stores around the island, but I haven't seen many girls walking around in public with these bandannas around their heads.
It's a cute idea, but I don't think it works. My friends and I have tried every which way to make them look good, but we always end up looking like farmers or refugees. Not that there's anything wrong with those looks, but they're not your usual fashion statement.
Is there a population of bandanna wearers that has yet to reveal itself?
Only time will tell. If you're one of them, check out Town and Country, the Gap, Contempo Casuals and Wet Seal, where the scarves -- some a square of cloth, others a triangle with strings attached -- range in price from about $5 to $6.
Rachel Gibson Special to the Star-Bulletin
Movies opening this week:
The Haunting
Rated PG-13 - A supernatural tale of terror. Hill House was built 130 years ago by textile baron Hugh Crain for his wife and the children they would never have. Instead it was filled with tragedy, leadint ominous tales that left the house uninhabited. Or so it seemed. With Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Lili Taylor.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Rated PG-13 - A twisted comedy that probes the heart of a small Minnesota town where a fictional teen beauty pageant has unleashed a fury of unladylike behavior. Starring Denise Richards, Kirstie Ally, Kirsten Dunst, and Ellen Barkin.
Inspector Gadget
Rated G - Have a problem? Call Inspector Gadget, who with hisinventions can solve anything. Matthew Broderick plays the go-go Gadget.

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