Ruth Liu's Finger Li Hing Good Ribs.
To bring the event to a close, here is the first-place winner in Taste of Honolulu's rib competition, sponsored by the Tony Roma's Famous for Ribs' restaurant chain.
The winner was Ruth Liu, president of International Specialties, a gourmet gift-basket company, for her ribs flavored with Scotch whiskey and li hing mui.
She won a trip for two to Maui. Second place and a $400 Weber gas grill donated by Eagle Hardware and Garden went to Robert Young, for a more traditional hoisin-based recipe. Other winners took home gift certificates to Tony Roma's.
Liu's winning recipe:
Combine marinade ingredients. Soak ribs at least 4 hours. Prepare grill with coals or kiawe apple wood so that one side burns cooler. Grill 20-25 minutes, starting at high heat and moving ribs to the cooler side as they start to glaze. Sprinkle ribs with li hing powder to taste.FINGER LI HING GOOD RIBS
1 pound spareribs
Li hing mui powder, for garnish
1-1/2 cups water
1/2 cup lemon juice
3-1/2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
3 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 jigger Scotch whiskey
Nutritional information unavailable.
Winning meals
Best of the Taste awards, chosen by popular vote:
Best Beef: Big Island Steak House, ribs
Best Dessert Indigo: Double Double Chocolate Torte
Best Pasta: Ciao Mein, Seafood Fun Lasagna
Best Pork: Texas Rock-N-Roll Sushi Bar, ribs
Best Poultry: Indigo, Lemon Grass Chicken Brochettes
Best Salad: Nicholas/Nickolas, Maui Wowie
Best Seafood: The Colony, Casserole of Prawns
Best Vegetarian: Texas Rock-N-Roll Sushi Bar, Vegetarian Sushi
People's Choice Wine
Wine: Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Cabernet Sauvingon