Over the decades, Honolulu has forged "sister city" relationships around the world. Honolulu has many sisters worldwide
One of the most recent was in October 1997, when Honolulu hooked up with Zhongshan, China, where more than three-fourths of Hawaii's residents of Chinese ancestry trace their roots.
According to the "Hawai'i Fact and Reference Book," other Honolulu sister cities and the year such ties were established, include:
Cebu City, the Philippines, 1990.
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1985.
Hainan, China, 1985.
Tokyo, 1982.
Manila, 1980.
Funchal, Portugal, 1979.
Seoul, 1973.
Bombay, India, 1970.
Laoag City, the Philippines, 1969.
Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 1962.
Bruyeres, France, 1960.
Naha, Okinawa, 1960.
Hiroshima, Japan, 1959.
Kauai's kayak tours back on Wailua River
WAILUA, Kauai -- Just as unexpectedly as they disappeared in January, guided commercial kayak tours are back on the Wailua River -- at least for the summer.Five months ago, the state Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation swept every kayak operation off the river, putting dozens of tour guides out of work and causing some companies to move their tours to other, less popular rivers and streams.
The reason given was that they were illegally operating on the state-owned river from a state park without permits. New regulations allowing limited tours were promised for March but still have not appeared.
Earlier this month, the Boating Division issued six 90-day permits for guided tours to operators that were shut down.
Decision due July 8 on Maui housing plan
WAIKAPU, Maui -- Some residents and environmental groups are worried about the potential urban sprawl a proposed 420-unit housing development and nine-hole golf course would bring to nearby rural Paia town.Landowner Alexander & Baldwin Inc. wants to develop the project on a 212-acre site at Sprekelsville, mauka of Hana Highway and on the Kahului side of Paia town.
Members of the group Maui Tomorrow told a public meeting of the state Land Use Commission Friday that they have gathered 2,300 signatures opposing the proposal.
The commission lacked a quorum that day and was unable to make a decision on reclassifying the land to urban use, but scheduled a decision-making meeting for July 8.
Taking Notice
Scholarships and academic honors
These island residents or groups recently earned scholarships or academic recognition:
Cathleen V. Sanders of Punahou has won the $2,500 Outstanding Math/Science/Computer Science Teacher prize from the Radio Shack/Tandy Scholars program. Tanner Tateki Fahl of Iolani has won the equivalent prize for outstanding student of $1,000. Theresa Katherine Bauer of McKinley High School won the honorable-mention certificate.
Star Scout Jamie Lumsdun has been awarded Troop 1's most prestigious annual Howard Y. Miyake Award for outstanding merit in serving his community. He contributed over 100 hours of time creating a Web page for the Hawaii Pacific Area Combined Federal Campaign, which administers the distribution of donations to nonprofit organizations from federal employees.
Katherine Johnson, a teacher at King Liholiho Elementary, has been recognized as one of the nation's 100 outstanding educators for innovative teaching methods in the Education's Unsung Heroes Awards program, sponsored by ReliaStar and Northern Life Insurance Co. She has received $2,000 to help with classroom projects.
Erica Davis and Katherine Harrington of Hawaii Preparatory Academy co-authored and presented a research paper on the behavior of green turtles at Puako at the Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation at South Padre Island, Texas.
See expanded coverage in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
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Police, Fire
By Star-Bulletin staffTraffic altercation leaves man in critical condition
HILO -- A 52-year-old man was in critical condition at Hilo Hospital after he was hit in the head last night in an argument over blocked traffic, police said.Witnesses told police the man's vehicle was in the way of another man's car at Carlsmith Park in the Keaukaha area of Hilo.
When both men got out of their cars, the second one slapped the victim on the top of the head, hit him in the face, and left him on the ground not breathing. Fire rescue personnel took him to Hilo Hospital.
The 21-year-old attacker was arrested by police and is being held pending charges.
Man, 38, faces charges in drugstore incident
Robbery, kidnapping and terroristic threatening charges are pending against a 38-year-old Wahiawa man who allegedly held five people hostage Saturday at the Mililani Longs Drug Store.No one was injured in the 4:35 p.m. incident.
The man allegedly pulled a knife on the pharmacist when his demand for a prescription pain-killing drug was refused.
He then held the pharmacist and four other employees hostage while threatening to blow up the store.
Responding police officers were able to disarm the man.
FBI seeks suspect in Guam bank fraud
The FBI is asking for public assistance in apprehending a 26-year-old man who defrauded a bank in Guam.Sinterson Linter is accused of passing and forging checks worth almost $5,000, police said.
Linter has worked as a dishwasher in several restaurants in Waikiki and is believed to frequent the area.
Anyone with information should call CrimeStoppers at 955-8300.
Leg sweep injures cop; man faces assault charge
Police have charged a 26-year-old man with first-degree assault for allegedly leg-sweeping an officer trying to arrest him.Chong Hwan Kim was charged Saturday and is being held in lieu of $15,000 bail.
The officer confronted Kim in Chinatown near Pauahi Street and Nuuanu Avenue shortly before 6 p.m. to arrest him for an abuse case. Kim allegedly shoved the officer with his forearm and leg-swept him while handcuffed.
The officer suffered torn ligaments and a knee sprain.
Honolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
See expanded coverage in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
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