Key events in the 1991 Christmas Eve killing of Dana Ireland on the Big Island, according to police records, court documents and witness accounts:
1. 4:10 p.m.: Dana Ireland left Mark Evans' Opihikao home on her bicycle after inviting him to Christmas Eve dinner. She passed Opihikao Congregrational Church, above.2. 4:25 p.m. (estimated): Ireland rode past the surfing spot called "Shacks" in Pohoiki. Witnesses have told investigators that Frank Pauline Jr., Albert Ian Schweitzer and Shawn Schweitzer were among those who saw Ireland pedal by. Pauline and the Schweitzer brothers drove off in a purple Volkswagen Beetle minutes later, heading in the same direction as Ireland, witnesses said.
3. 4:40 p.m. (estimated): Less than half a mile from her parents' rented Vacationland home, Ireland was run over and kidnapped. Area shown above.
Anna Sherrell was the first person to come upon Dana Ireland's wrecked bicycle. Based on her descriptions of tire tracks left in the then gravel road, here's what happened: ANATOMY OF THE ASSAULT
1. Vehicle swerved from the wrong side of the road toward Ireland and her bicycle.
2. Vehicle ran over Ireland, knocking her shoe "three-quarters of a block up the street," Sherrell said.
3. Vehicle made U-turn and headed back toward Ireland.
4. Ireland was picked up and driven away.
4. Enroute to Waawaa, Ireland was sexually assaulted, possibly in the vehicle.5. 4:45 p.m.: Ida Smith said she looked at her wall clock. Shortly after she heard a cry for help that led her to Dana Ireland at a nearby trail in Waawaa, below.
6. 5:25 p.m.: Vacationland resident Anna Sherrell was the first to call police to report a bike "accident" on the red cinder road going into Vacationland. Sherrell found a mangled bicycle, strands of blond hair, blood, a broken watch and tire tracks.7. 5:26 p.m.: John Ireland called police to report that Dana was missing after his other daughter, Sandra, who drove by the accident scene, told him about the crushed bicycle.
8. 5:36 p.m.: Puna police officer Robert Wagner arrived at the scene of the bicycle wreck.
9. 5:40 p.m.: Officer Harold Pinnow and Sgt. Gabriel Malani arrived at the scene.
10. 6:50 p.m.: Ambulance arrived in Waawaa to assist Ireland. The ambulance left for Hilo Hospital at 7:13 p.m.
Courtesy of John and Louise Ireland
3-year-old Dana on the patio of the
Irelands' home in Springfield, Va.
Tuesday, June 8
Blurred through the years is the real Dana. She lives on, though -- beautiful, shy, kind -- in the memories of those who knew her. The innocent. The indicted. Anatomy of a murder. The what and where of the attack. Who's who in the Dana Ireland tragedy.
Wednesday, June 9
Help came too late for Dana Ireland. From the moment she was hit by her attackers' car until the time an ambulance reached her, more than two hours passed. Here's how minutes -- and a life -- were lost.
Thursday, June 10
Life has gone on since the Dec. 24, 1991, attack. Memories have faded. Witnesses have scattered. But each twist and turn in the seven-year bid to bring to justice those responsible means fresh injury, not only to Dana's family but to witnesses whose lives have been put on hold by this on-again, off-again case.
No Frames: Tuesday, June 8 | Wednesday, June 9 | Thursday, June 10