Bucky Pizzarelli
Scheduled to perform June 10 at Orvis Auditorium on the University of Hawai'i lower campus is Tennant, founding member of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and author of the best-selling series on classical guitar technique, "Pumping Nylon."
Pizzarelli, a former NBC and ABC staff musician who has performed with Benny Goodman and Frank Sinatra, will perform June 11 with Honolulu's Byron Yasui.
Then on June 12, Del Monte will perform with his wife, flamenco dancer Laila del Monte.
All concerts will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 general and $12 for students. Call 956-3836 for information.
Another part of the festival is non-credit guitar workshops from 1 to 4 p.m. on the following days:
June 10 -- Del Monte (Course A8857)
June 11 -- Tennant (A8858)
June 12 -- Pizzarelli (A8859)
The fee is $30 per workshop or $80 for all three. If registering for all three, refer to course number A8860. To register, call 956-7221.
Speakers --including Gov. Ben Cayetano, Mayor Jeremy Harris and state Sen. Carol Fukunaga -- will discuss the importance of the ocean, especially as it affects tourism, aquaculture and marine resources.
The forum is being presented by PACON International, a nonprofit professional society which promotes ocean awareness, along with the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Ocean Resources Branch.
The forum will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. A silent auction also will be held. Call 956-6163.
A new Hawaii-oriented magazine aimed at adventurers will be distributed through hotel rooms and a direct mailing listFor a free copy of Great Outdoor Adventures of Hawaii write Publisher George Fuller; Asia-Pacific Publications; 3212 Baker St.; San Francisco, Calif. 94123; or e-mail him at gfuller@netmagic.net.
Bridging cultural gaps: American Youth Abroad seeks hosts for international students studying in Hawaii, and participants for study abroad programs.
Hosting provides an opportunity to learn more about a culture via a member of that culture. You may also earn up to $1,000 in scholarship funds toward an AYA program.
For more information about hosting or foreign study, call Andrea, 1-800-322-4678, ext. 6078.
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