Investigation of estate is certainly warranted
It is interesting and at the same time irritating to hear Bishop Estate spokesman Kekoa Paulsen continually raise the defense that, because the estate is educating Hawaiian children and is financially strong, the investigation of allegations against the trustees should end.This is like saying since the Dallas Cowboys are doing well, allegations of drug use and criminal behavior off the field should never be investigated.
The fact of the matter is that the investigation of the trustees is based on factual evidence, not rumor or innuendo. Paulsen and other trustee mouthpieces continually overlook this point.
Terence Yeh
Via the Internet
Trustees threatened estate long enough
Every day, for the past year and a half, I have read with disgust about the goings-on of the Bishop Estate trustees. I can't believe that Henry Peters had the gall to even suggest suing the IRS for threatening the estate with loss of its tax-exempt status.I am also ashamed, as a Hawaiian, that Peters and the other trustees have jeopardized this trust just so they can receive their paychecks. They need to realize that non-Hawaiians are saying, "Look, the Hawaiians can't get themselves together."
This is shameful. This entire ordeal has dragged out long enough and it is costing taxpayers millions. I say get rid of them all!
R. Kanaiaupuni Gomes
Via the Internet
Coverage of estate was negatively slanted
Well, it sure looks like the media and others did a job on convincing the public that the Bishop Estate trustees are bad people getting too much money and doing a poor job. Your articles are so one sided.Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools has never been in better financial condition. How can you say that the trustees have failed in their fiduciary duties?
I just hope that, when all the facts come out in court, the people of Hawaii won't be so judgmental.
Beryl Hewahewa
Vancouver, Wash.
Via the Internet
Kamehameha students rise above controversy
Congratulations to the students of Kamehameha Schools who performed an adaptation of "Godspell" on April 23 and 24 at Ke'elikolani Theater. They did an outstanding job.The cast's tremendous talent and enthusiasm lit up the stage, resulting in a powerful mixture of humor, local flavor and modern tidbits. Even the commercial interruption ran smoothly.
Since it seems that the only news related to Kamehameha Schools or Bishop Estate has been negative, it was refreshing to see the students rise above the controversies and get on with what really matters: education!
Kacy Nomura
Via the Internet
Bishop Estate Archive
Uwaine, Rodrigues lack integrity
Now that Clifford Uwaine's nomination has been withdrawn, I cannot understand how the governor even considered nominating him to a position of trust, considering everything that has occurred within the United Public Workers union.Consider the allegations against the UPW's Gary Rodrigues. He continues to stonewall any questions from members who dare to question his managerial actions. Uwaine himself was convicted of felony voter fraud and fined for misuse of campaign funds at hostess bars. These indicate the corrupt leadership within the UPW.
Samuel Gompers, one of the fathers of the American labor movement, must be turning over in his grave. I marched with and supported a true leader in labor, Cesar Chavez, of the United Farm Workers. This man had integrity. Rodrigues and Uwaine don't compare.
John Mendoza
Via the Internet
Senate didn't make it out of batter's box
Senate President Norman Mizuguchi says the Legislature hit singles rather than home runs this session. I'd say they didn't hit anything at all. This year's legislative session was a no-hitter.Voters should clean the Senate pond of these "jellyfishes" so we can improve the quality of life in paradise. The bad odor and stench from that Senate pond is reason enough to clean house. Therefore, let's not forget the names of these jellyfishes posing as senators and eradicate them from polluting our pond.
Virgilio Gabriel
Via the Internet
"With his gentle demeanor,
he might have been one of the
future great coaches
of this state."
Doug Bennett
Describing Mark Tuinei (pictured above), who was found dead
in his car in Plano, Texas, one day before returning to
Hawaii to coach at Punahou, his alma mater"A blue tarp doesn't come out
|for manslaughter."
Chris Van Marter
Telling the jury that Wallace "Dido" Rodrigues planned the
murder of Leo Tuaoa, because the victim fell onto a
strategically placed blue plastic tarp after being shot'Baywatch' won't monopolize the beach
As someone who lives in L.A. and has been in contact (as a photographer) with David Hasselhoff productions for over 15 years, I would like to address concerns about "Baywatch" filming in Hawaii.Hasselhoff has always been very careful and aware of local neighborhoods in his filmings. Having been on the beach at the same time "Baywatch" was, I can assure you that its film crew does not hog the whole beach.
In fact, its members take their assigned spot and maintain all of their activities within that perimeter. Only when the camera is actually shooting do they ask for a halt to activities in the immediate perimeter.
I just wanted to let Hawaii residents know that the "Baywatch" group is definitely one of the nicer crews and sets to have around.
Rita Ractliffe
Van Nuys, Calif.
Via the Internet
Movie made Konawaena look bad
As a curious Konawaena High School graduate, I decided to spend $7 to see the movie "Beyond Paradise" recently. Boy, was I shocked!Since when did the school only admit Hawaiian and haole students? And when did everyone there become so angry and violent?
Either things have totally changed there, or someone is having fun making Konawaena look like the gathering place for troubled adolescents.
Nathan Kam
Via the Internet
Soccer stadium will create parking problem
Someone isn't doing the math again in planning for the soccer park in Waipio.Let's see, 4,000 seats for a much-needed stadium, divided by 700 parking stalls, equals what? Answer: 5.7 people per car. Do we really think that people are going to come six to a vehicle?
I know there will be some carpooling but, if we are going to spend $11 million on a park, let's make it user friendly. Put in more parking stalls. Expand the parking structure.
John Margenau
Via the Internet
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