Six schools will
Star-Bulletin staff
receive Alliance
for Arts awardsHonors for art education go to six schools May 29 from the Hawaii Alliance for Arts Education.
A gala, entertainment-filled evening is planned for "The Alliance Awards," starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Hawaii Theatre Center.
School Arts Excellence Awards will go to three public intermediate schools:
The 1999 Alfred Preis Award will go to Ronald E. Bright for a lifetime commitment to arts education. A Castle High School teacher and drama coach from 1957 to August 1998, he now is artistic director of Castle Performing Arts Center, which he helped establish in 1984.Dole Middle School in Kalihi for sustaining a commitment to visual and kinesthetic learning and moving into a new phase of implementing arts integration, from core subjects to school-to-work programs.
William Paul Jarrett Middle School in Palolo for building learning around use of multiple intelligences and extending involvement with visual and performing arts into schoolwide and community activities.
Moanalua Middle School, for nurturing a learning community in which art is reflected in all aspects, from physical environment and community involvement to curriculum and student life.
Recognition awards will go to three independent schools for arts-focused programs:
Haleakala Waldorf School, Maui, for a rich program of educating the whole child through the arts and for making Hawaiian studies an important part of its cultural resources.
Honolulu Waldorf School in Niu Valley for sustained excellence in providing a full program of learning through the arts, with distinctive offerings in visual and performing arts at middle-school level.
Mid-Pacific School of the Arts at Mid-Pacific Institute in Manoa for building a strong foundation in integrated curriculum through team-based planning in visual and performing arts at middle school-level.
For ticket information, call the Hawaii Theatre Center box office at 528-0506.