Kokua Line
:Question My complaint is with Old Stadium Park. The park pavilion and restrooms are poorly maintained. Only volunteers on weekends keep it clean. In the men's bathroom, there's no running water in the wash basin because the valve is not fixed, and there is graffiti all over. What can be done to keep the park properly maintained? Help coming to clean
Old Stadium ParkAnswer: Things should get better within a few weeks, according to city parks Director William Balfour.
The restrooms and pavilion are supposed to be cleaned at least once a day, seven days a week. Since a maintenance position for the park is vacant, the job is assigned to a roving crew responsible for also cleaning several other parks, Balfour said. But the vacant position will be filled by the end of the month, giving the park a permanent maintenance person.
Meanwhile, the wash basin handle has been repaired, but Balfour said graffiti is an ongoing problem. "As soon as the staff paints over it, more graffiti appears," he said.
Volunteers are always welcomed to help keep parks clean. At Old Stadium Park, a few adopt-a-park groups already do projects there, Balfour said. One group is made up of volunteers from the Democratic Party, who held a recent cleanup on April 24.
Any individuals or groups interested in helping out, call Larry DeRego, the Adopt-A-Park coordinator, at 523-4750.
Q: What happened to the HBO show called "The Sopranos?" It was a series. The last time, it said there would be two more shows, but it hasn't been on for weeks.
A: Thirteen episodes were scheduled and shown, said Oceanic Cable spokesman Kit Beuret.
However, you can see what you might have missed this summer. Beginning June 9, HBO will repeat the 13 shows on successive Wednesday nights at 9 p.m.
Also, another 13 episodes of "The Sopranos" are being filmed, to be shown beginning in January, Beuret said.
Q: Who's in charge of cleaning up the weeds outside the post office on Saratoga Road in Waikiki? It's really a blight. The weeds haven't been pulled in at least six months.
Q: Who is responsible for a leaking sprinkler at the Ewa Beach post office? It's been going on for months. They should either fix or remove them.
A: Each post office is responsible for its own maintenance. With the budget given them, postmasters can choose to either hire custodial staff or contract the work out, said U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman Felice Broglio.
In Waikiki, the postmaster there apologizes for the condition of the grounds and said the weeds should be taken care of soon, Broglio said. He's had "some staffing problems but is resolving them."
One possibility is hiring a landscape contractor, which is what the Ewa Beach postmaster has done, Broglio said.
That contractor is responsible for making repairs and letting the postmaster know if there is a problem, she said. Based on your complaint, the sprinkler system was checked.
"It is not serious, but there is some overflow," Broglio said. The postmaster has asked the contractor to either adjust or repair the line.
Panco Lab successor?
Does anyone know who took over for Panco Lab when it quit doing business here? -- B.E. (If you do, call "Kokua Line," 525-8686.)
Need help with problems? Call Kokua Line at 525-8686,
fax 525-6711, or write to P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu 96802.
Email to kokualine@starbulletin.com