Taking Notice
Honors recently went to these island residents or groups:
Craig D. Watson of Honolulu has been promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout by the Aloha Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He is chartered by Sacred Heart Church.
Randy G. DeCastro, manager of a Waipahu McDonald's restaurant, has graduated from the McDonald's Hamburger University's advanced operations course.
Steven Lee, a member of the Hawaii Jewelers Association and owner of Steven Lee Designs, received the American Gem Trade Association's Spectrum Award for Manufacturing for his design around a Tahitian pearl.
Lenora Lorenzo, a Hawaii Pacific University nursing instructor, was recognized in the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners for her winning poster on clinical practice, presented at the group's national conference in Arizona this summer.
Jolene Satsuki Muneno of Iolani School has been selected Hawaii's Junior Miss for 1999. She received a $4,000 cash scholarship from First Hawaiian Bank and will represent Hawaii at the America's Junior Miss pageant in Alabama in June. Also named Top Scholar, she received $1,000 from Hawaii's Junior Miss Inc. Kyleen Lee of St. Andrew's Priory was first runner-up; and Tracy Pickels of Kapaa High, second.
Other semifinalists included Lauren Akitake of Baldwin, Janelle Leong of Iolani, Kathleen Moy of Kaiser, and Richelle Nakata and Zoe Tanaka of Punahou.
Hawaiian Electric Co. has been recognized by the Edison Electric Institute for providing crucial assistance to other utilities coping with a natural disaster.
Won Kiu Ahn, an early leader of the Korean community in Hawaii and a prominent local businessman, was awarded a posthumous independence medal by South Korea's Office of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. His remains were interred with full military honors in the Courtyard of the Patriots in Tae-Jun National Cemetery. Ahn worked tirelessly for the Korean independence movement until his death in 1947.
Chelsea Manfredi, a 13-year-old violinist from Punahou, has been selected concertmaster for the Honolulu Youth Symphony Association's Youth Symphony II. She is also concertmaster for the advanced orchestra at Punahou.
Master Sgt. Jeffry E. Jackson of Tripler Army Medical Center's Department of Preventive Medicine has been awarded the 1998 Army Medical Department Award of Excellence in Allied Health Care for 15 years of service in a variety of worldwide assignments.
These groups have new officers:
Mental Help Hawaii: Cheryl Holland, new board member.
American Cancer Society: Brian Sunada, president; Jeff Freitas, vice president and president-elect; Celia Oh, secretary; Ralph Kanetoku, treasurer; Jill Sakamoto, School Health Education Committee; Craig Fukeda, Tobacco Control; Megan McCaffrey, Detection; Terri Imada, Patient Services; Cyndie Smith, Judy Kalbrener, Volunteer Involvement.
CATRALA-Hawaii (Car and Truck Renting and Leasing Association): Brad Skinner, president; Ross Piere, vice president/secretary; Martin Mylott, treasurer; Rob Mutart, Reggie Kamei, Byron Hansen, Keith Nakamura, Wayne Tanaka, Dave Chun, Dave Pellegrin, Michael Oh, Donald Mackintosh, William Germaine, directors.
Hawaii Farm Bureau: Douglas Duarte, president; Tom Hill, vice president; Jack Banks, secretary; Harry Choy, treasurer.
Institute of Real Estate Management, Hawaii Chapter No. 34: Keith K.T. Ching, president; Paula K. Orr, president-elect; Rosanne F. Uyehara, vice president-education; Michelle Wong, vice president-membership; Linda Gee, vice president-programs; Barbara A. Campbell, vice president-legislation; Michael Packard, vice president-ARM (Accredited Residential Manager); Jeffrey N. Mau, vice president-public relations; Daisy C. Yamada, secretary; Edward Sulliban, treasurer; William Peters, ARM representative; Phyllis Okada Kacher, Executive Council member; Marlene DeCosta, immediate past president.
The ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) Association, Hawaii Chapter: Clifford K. Ogata, president; Richard S. Morris, vice president-arrangements; Gregory M. Hansen, vice president- membership; Arthur R. Heath, treasurer; James A. Rodin, secretary.
Wahiawa Hospital Association: Rodger McCloskey, chair; Roy Doi, Dr. Edmund S.M. Whang, co-vice chairs; the Rev. Dale S. Burke, Virginia T. Cooksey, Dr. William M. Dang, James Harada, Ann Higa, Calvin K. Kawamoto, Roberts G. Leinau, Alan M. Peterson, Rodney Y. Sato, new board members.
Hawaii Music Teachers Association: Bichuan Li, president; Helen Chao-Casano, first vice president/president-elect; Ethel C. Iwasaki, second vice president; Christine H. Suehisa, third vice president; Winifred E. Hancock, treasurer; Scott McCarrey, recording secretary; Joanna Fan, parliamentarian; Jeannette Chun, past president.
American Institute of Architects, Honolulu Chapter: David Miller, president; Charles A. Ehrhorn, vice president; Alan H. Nemiroff, secretary; Nick H. Huddleston, treasurer; Janine S. Clifford, Bettina Mehnert, Charles J. Wallace, new directors.
Salvation Army National Advisory Board: Philip Russell.
Hawaii Committee for the Humanities: Robert W. Franco, chairman; Mitch Yamasaki, vice chairman; Todd H. Sammons, secretary-treasurer; Gail Ainsworth, Alfred Castle, Karen Motosue, Larry Myers, new members.
Young Lawyers Division officers: Cindy K. Ching, president; J. Stanley Yoshimoto, vice president/president-elect; Donald E. Fisher, secretary; Lynn A.S. Araki, treasurer; Kevin S. Adaniya, Russ S. Awakuni, Lee-Ann Mitsunaga Brewer, Steven L. Hartley, Jon S. Itomura, June I. Kawai, Carrie K. Okinaga, Janna L. Shiraki, David M. Raatz Jr. (Maui); Bryant Zane (Kauai); Carrie M. Yonemori (East Hawaii); Cynthia T. Tai (West Hawaii), directors.
Certified Real Estate Brokerage Managers Council: Ronald N. Lee, president; Joyce R. Nakamura, president-elect; Robert W. Barber Sr., secretary; Stephanie Doughty, treasurer; Dale J. Scott, immediate past president.
Hawaii Fashion Industry Association: Mark Troedson, chairman; Mary Miyaguchi, vice chair; Petra Tajiri Kamiya, secretary-treasurer; Clifford Balmilero, Carolyn Chu, Leighton Lam, Darrel Rawlins, Linda Ogata, Linda Salz-Goto, Paul Takayesu, Brad Walker, board members.
Hawaii Bonsai Association: Warren Yamamoto, president; Jane Yamashiroya, vice president; Mark Shiraishi, recording secretary; Ted Tsukiyama, corresponding secretary; Sam Yamada, treasurer, George Masumoto, Lyle Takeuchi, 2001 International Bonsai Convention co-chairmen.
Taking Notice listings also appear at our online site, https://archives.starbulletin.com. Do you have items about Hawaii residents earning academic or professional honors,
winning scholarships, awards or elections to professional or civic groups?
Please send them in writing for Taking Notice to City Desk, Star-Bulletin,
P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu 96802. Thank you.