Our Oscar goes to
By Burl Burlingame
... the Gotos!
This year's crop of 515 valid Oscarama entries were as difficult to sort through as a Roberto Benigni speech, but after the dust settled, there was only one person who got everything right -- Milton Goto of Kaneohe.
Or so we thought.
When we called Milton, he burst out laughing. Turns out his wife Carol had filled the form with whom she thought would win. "My wife is unbelievable," said he. "She sees every movie she can, and when they don't get here quick enough, she calls Consolidated and gives them a hard time."
The heck with you, Milton, we want to talk to Carol, the real winner of our $500 top prize.
"I'm so impressed with myself!" Carol Goto exclaimed, who, as a little girl, used to haunt the Princess and Hawaii theaters downtown. "We try to go at least once a week, sometimes twice a week.
"I really loved 'Life is Beautiful' -- we went twice to that one. I've seen all the nominated films, except for 'Affliction.' 'Shakespeare in Love' was really, really cute. But my personal favorite is 'Elizabeth' -- now THERE was a kick-ass woman!"
With Carol Goto solidly in first, and no clear second or third, we turned to the tie-breaking questions: Which movie would win the most Oscars, how many would that be and how many ballots would we receive?
That gave second place and $250 to Helene "Sam" Shenkus of Honolulu.
"I don't get to go to the movies as much as I'd like," she said. "Going to the movies is a real treat -- I've always thought of it that way. My favorite movie right now is 'Analyze This,' it's so funny. My favorite of the nominated films? 'Shakespeare in Love.' No, 'Elizabeth.' No, 'Shakespeare in Love.' I'm torn, I'm torn!"
There in third for $100 was Vincent DeMorris of Kahala, who goes to the movies a couple of times a week and still doesn't think it's often enough. "I like everything about the movies. What's not to like?"
His early memories of film were shaped by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, but DeMorris' current favorite is "Shakespeare in Love." You and all the other voting members of the Academy, Vincent.
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