Wednesday, March 10, 1999Capitol Calendar
Events centered around the 1999 Hawaii state Legislature.
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A calendar of tomorrow's hearings:
House floor session*: Budget crossover, 11:30 a.m., House chamber. Broadcast: Oceanic 53 and TCI Cable 53.
Education and Technology, Health and Human Services*: Briefing on Hawaii's health care programs, education and research, 3 p.m., Room 016. Broadcast: Oceanic 52 and TCI Cable 52.
House floor session*: Budget crossover, 11:30 a.m., House chamber. Broadcast: Oceanic 53 and TCI Cable 53.
Judiciary: Governor's nominations for the Civil Rights Commission, Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation, Correctional Industries Advisory Committee and the Crime Victim Compensation Commission. Decision-making to follow, 9 a.m., Room 229.
House floor session*: Budget crossover, 11:30 a.m., House chamber. Broadcast: Oceanic 53 and TCI Cable 53.
Transportation and Intergovernmental Affairs: Bills increasing length limits of truck-trailers on public roads and allowing the state to recover search-and-rescue operation costs incurred by misconduct of those rescued. Decision-making to follow, 1 p.m., Room 212.