Thursday, February 25, 1999

Ngoc Bich, left, and Khac Chi.
Sounds of Vietnam
The Khac Chi Ensemble brings "Exquisite Music from Vietnam," a program of traditional works from 4,000 years of Vietnamese history, to Honolulu audiences at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Imin Center-Jefferson Hawaii, East-West Center.
Khac Chi is renowned for his mastery of dan bau, or Vietnamese zither. The ensemble's vocalist and arranger is Ngoc Bich. She also performs on a variety of instruments. Rounding out the group is Tu Van Truong, who plays the dinh pa acoustic guitar and numerous percussion instruments.
Tickets for the performance are $12 general admission, $10 for seniors, students and members of the Friends of the East-West Center. They are available at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Campus Center box office or may be charged by phone at 944-7177.

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