Street still open
to Olympic idealSKI champ Picabo Street, still recovering from an injury, was on the "Today" show yesterday, defending the role of the Salt Lake City people working to bring the Olympics to town. She said that as a committee member, she saw no evidence of payoffs and thinks the world will be as excited as ever about the Olympics and not feel the games have been tainted by skullduggery. (Incidentally, Street is about the size of a wide thoroughfare these days, but despite her Rosie O'Donnell-esque appearance, plans to get back into shape and compete in 2002. Good luck!) ... BY the way, Ron Sorrell, former isle resident who reported on Wall Street on Hawaii radio for years, now lives in Salt Lake City. He was a director of the 1984 Olympics in L.A. and says finger-pointing is a way of life in Salt Lake as IOC directors received "under-the-table" deals, insisting that's the way things have been done for decades. Sorrell feels that bringing in Mitt Romney as CEO of the 2002 Olympics was a smart move, and there's a possibility Sorrell will play a role in the "clean-up" as well ...
NEW UH football coach June Jones has been making the rounds of the community, trying to drum up support for a downtrodden program, but it's tough to meet everyone. Ever at the ready: Don Murphy, who's thrown considerable support to the football program. Thursday night is "Meet the Coach" night and he's having another "Pig-Out" of a buffet dinner, live music and refreshments and the entire UH football staff. There'll also be a fund-raising auction with all proceeds from the $50 tab going to the football program. It runs from 5 to 7:30 p.m. ...
A pair of Amelias
SOME years ago, an item here dealt with the fairly unusual name of Amelia being bestowed on two kids simultaneously, the daughters of Star-Bulletin writer Burl Burlingame and internet-radio pioneer "Rabbett" Abbett. A reader presented both girls with prints of Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega flying over Diamond Head. Now their paths have crossed again. Abbott is spotlighting Burlingame's "Monday Night LIVE!" Potato Cannon album on his Internet Radio Hawaii show ( and, by coincidence, the girls have become friends at Kailua Intermediate School ...FIRST we had the Dave Donnelly Stir-Fry, raising about $30,000 for KHET-TV. Now work is under way on "Hawaii'sapoppin," a roast and toast to former Advertiser three-dotter Eddie Sherman. On April 17 at the Hawaii Theatre it's a benefit for Temple Emanu-El. He and wife Patty taped a "Heart-y Chef" show for KHON-TV demonstrating heart healthy foods, vital for someone like Eddie, who's had more valves replaced than Miles Davis ...
AUTHOR Lois-Ann Yamanaka will read selections from her latest novel, "Heads by Harry," tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Mo'ili'ili Bind Fish Tank at 2469 S. King. Yamanaka, who writes a lot of dialogue in pidgin, will be joined by comic pidgin master James Grant Benton ...
Rolling right along
MACINTOSH users always act as if their computer operating system is the Holy Grail and any other P.C. system (like Microsoft) a mere poor copycat. The Mac-lovers even call themselves "evangelists." So it was ironic that I noted Apple's new "Think Different" TV commercial about the colorful iMac uses the Rolling Stones song, "Like a Rainbow." But somehow it reminded me that when Bill Gates brought out Windows 95 he used the Stones singing their song, "Start Me Up." Think Different, indeed ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: