Monday, February 22, 1999
Fireworks poll results
Richard Wong is man of immense integrity
I have know, Richard S.H. Wong, chairman of the board of trustees of Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, for many years while he served in the state House of Representatives and Senate. I myself served as chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee for 12 years.I have always been an admirer of this gentleman. He impressed me most as one who believed in the rights of all individuals, regardless of the color of skin or beliefs. He proved this when he participated in the civil-rights demonstration in Birmingham, Ala. in the 1950s.
Richard Wong is a man of unimpeachable integrity. He is the kind of individual whose belief is similar to an old Indian prayer, which says, "Grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins."
Thank you for allowing me to express my feelings about this great leader of our time.
Mamoru Yamasaki
Retired State Senator
Kahului, Maui
Bishop Estate Archive
Sports columnist is too negative in perspective
"The Way I See It," sports columnist Pat Bigold should be removed. I can't be the only one who is sick and tired of his negative coverage of sports.We all know that he has attempted to malign the best football program in the state, the St. Louis Crusaders. We all know that he has elected to cover the negative side of sports in Hawaii. And now, in his Feb. 16 issue, he has decided to rip apart Carole Kai and the Great Aloha Run.
Is it really such a big deal that Bigold doesn't know exactly how many people ran in the race, so he can compare the number with some mainland race? I suggest that it is far more important that thousands of people enjoyed participating in the race, and that many more benefit from the charities it supports.
Is the cup half empty or half full, Mr. Bigold? That's the way I see it!
Patrick Bullard
Y2K problem will be worse than we think
Governments and big business are to blame for what may be inevitable Y2K fear and panic. They knew about the problem as far back as 1986, but refused to spend the money or passed the buck until time ran out.Many CEOs receive stock options as compensation, so they didn't want to torpedo their own wealth by publishing bad news. Now they want to continue the charade by quelling public fear.
Implying that Y2K problems will last only several days to a week is patently ridiculous! It's taken years, and billions of dollars, and not a single major bank, government, utility or business in the world has yet guaranteed compliance. And they expect to fix the problems within a week?
Expect more false claims of compliance and soothing words. Then watch for the excuses and finger-pointing as things start to crumble. Maybe a little fear is a good thing.
Richard B.W. Ing
"I can't say that I think this has been good for the country. But we will see. I expect to have two good years here."
-- President Clinton during a joint news conference with visiting French President Jacques Chirac, on whether the impeachment ordeal has harmed his presidency.
"If this is an across-the-board tax cut, then the board must have a lot of knotholes in it."
-- Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., on a Republican-proposed 10 percent cut in all income tax rates that a nonpartisan congressional analysis says is tilted too heavily in favor of the wealthy.
"I don't know if this one feels worse. You never want to lose in the state final. Last year, it was double overtime. This year, it was single. We're getting closer, I guess."
-- Kalaheo coach Pete Smith, after his team was beaten by Punahou in the Hawaiian Airlines/Hawaii High School Athletic Association Boys' Basketball Tournament.
Japanese wedding business is getting out of hand
Diane Chang's Feb. 8 column on wedding mills was great. Tourism and visitor-based commercialism belong in Waikiki and in designated areas. Historic preservation will get egg on its face if it threatens retirees and family values.We are for historic sites and economic stimulation. But this Japanese wedding opportunism is going overboard. It may be killing the goose which layeth the golden egg.
Bob and Eva Layson
DLNR is just trying to protect the fish
One Monday morning, before math class began, my friend Ernest and I were talking. I asked what he did that weekend and he answered excitedly, "I went night fishing with my dad." I asked him if he went often and he said, "We used to but there's a lot less fish now. So we hardly go anymore."That same week I went to a beach clean-up. On the shore, we found a huge net that took three to four people to drag off the sand. Imagine how many fish that forgotten net could have destroyed!
Recently, the state Department of Natural Land and Resources (DNLR) introduced a bill in the Legislature that would allow it to make rules relating to aquatic resources. It could regulate fishing gear and when and where you could catch fish.
During the hearing, some fishermen expressed their disgust and dislike for the bill. One man said he was offended that anyone would try to restrict his fishing. Another man brought up his family members and said, if this bill passed, he would hate for them to go on welfare.
I understand what they are trying to say, but I don't agree. DNLR isn't out to offend them. One of its intents is to restrict the catching of fish that are still babies. They don't have a chance to reproduce because they haven't reached their sexual maturity. In this way, they can reproduce and give birth to another generation of fish.
Leanne Nakamura
'Winter Wonderland' will sparkle no more
This past December ended a legacy that started 30-plus years ago. It started on the mainland, moved to Waipahu and ended up in Mililani. I am talking about Mililani's "Winter Wonderland," as it was called.Do you remember the home that was decorated for Christmas behind Westgate Shopping Center in Waipahu? And then for the past 13 years in Mililani? That was my parents' house. This past year, Dad and Mom decided to give it up because of health reasons.
Their decision was hard to accept, because this had always been a part of my life. Mom said she would do this until the day she died. On Feb. 3, my mom, Lynn Torres, passed away. Christmas will never be the same.
I want to thank all the people who, through the years, gave my parents a smile during the holidays when they traveled from far and near to see our annual Christmas display. We will always cherish the memories.
Denise Higa
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