Hos place
is going strongTHERE was a time when the Brothers Cazimero played on board the SS Independence. So when the two were performing at Don Ho's Island Grill in Aloha Tower Marketplace Saturday night and the ship's whistle interrupted one of their songs in preparation for sailing out of the Harbor, the Brothers stopped their song and Robert called out, "Goodbyeeeeee." The two got a big response when they said they enjoyed playing on the ship, but really enjoyed Don Ho's place. Jack Sullivan, who's been in the islands for 41 years, said it's the closest he's felt to Old Waikiki in many years and with just a $5 cover, a bargain. Others who took in the Brothers over the Valentine Weekend were Eddie Kamae, Melveen Leed, Jimmy Borges, Brickwood Galuteria with hula-dancing wife Lehua, Emme Tomimbang, Sally & Don Parker and sister Kanoe Cazimero. The Brothers will be returning by popular demand to Don Ho's Saturday night. Wouldn't a regular gig there be nice? ... Willie K and Amy Gilliom perform at Ho's tonight -- no cover ...
AND speaking of music, Delmark recording artist Dave Specter, a regular on the Chicago blues circuit, will be performing on blues and jazz guitar tomorrow night at O'Toole's, 902 Nuuanu Avenue. He'll be accompanied by the fine local blues band, Chris Planas and Third Degree. No cover, but donations will be happily accepted ...
Those are the brakes
WHILE I was chatting with polo star Ronnie Tongg and his wife at a party at the home of Dr. Richard Kelley Monday night, a waiter appeared to ask if anyone were driving a white Mercedes. "I am," answered Tongg. The dreaded words: "There's been an accident." Turns out that it wasn't a complete ruination of the party. But Tongg had self-parked instead of using the valet as had Paul Cassiday, and as the latter was leaving, his parking brake slipped and he crashed into Tonng's Mercedes. The party was the annual welcome to Hawaii of Tyrone, the Marquis of Waterford in Ireland, who was marking his 34th consecutive annual visit to the islands where he played polo for well over two decades. It was also a birthday bash for Bob McGregor, another polo vet. The former Tradewind Tours honcho turned 85, and must be doing something right because he was surrounded by pretty girls all night long ...IN the world of gymnastics, most athletes are about over the hill at 26, but many of them are still exciting to watch. So it is with Svetlana Boguinskaia, the two-time Olympic and four-time World Champion gymnast. You can see the Russian born Boguinskaia Sunday at 7 p.m. at Bloch Arena at the conclusion of the second night of competition in the Hawaiian Gymnastics Classic. In addition, Svetlana will appear Friday night at Planet Hollywood and on the Perry & Price KSSK radio show Saturday morning from the Hanohano Room ...
Some turnaround
THE UH swimming program was in a pretty sorry condition last year, especially considering Hawaii is completely surrounded by water and some people swim before they walk. But the men had a 1-7 record and the women were 0-8 when Sam Freas brought his national credentials to town, vowing such a losing display wouldn't happen on his watch. Even doubters had to become believers after this year's men and women teams finished out their regular season at 13-0 and head for the WAC finals as strong contenders to go on to the NCAA finals. Hey Sam, know anything about football or basketball? ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: donnelly@kestrok.com.