Lets bar the bar
BOTH of Hawaii's senators voted not to convict Bill Clinton in the impeachment process, which came as no surprise. All Democrats backed him in both votes. But wouldn't it be wonderful if Kenneth Starr admitted he lost his case and wrapped it up instead of pursuing it further, such as House managers attorney David Schippers is doggedly devoted to do? It was a sordid, but soon forgotten, chapter in the Republic where a president was so full of hubris that he felt he could get away with sexual indiscretions right in the Oval Office, and a more than willing intern was there to urge him on. Now if we could just keep the likes of Fred Thompson and Henry Hyde from carping about "raising the bar" and Ted Kennedy from "lowering the bar," maybe CNN Bernard Shaw could find something other than "the bar" to talk about. I've never been so sick of bars ...
HAVING just seen "Shakespeare in Love," I ran into former Internet C@fe owner Mike Feeney outside the theater and he told how he met the movie's star, Gwyneth Paltrow. Feeney, who's a pilot with Aloha, was in Italy at the same time the actress was making a film there, and he kept track of her whereabouts by making contact through cyber cafes. Word spreads fast in such circles and it was soon, "You've Got E-Mail," and off he headed to the cafe where Paltrow was taking a break from filming. He reports she was very nice and sweet, but then he's not Tom Cruise, so things ended there ...
Burgess vs. Burgess
IT could be as volatile a confrontation on a political front as "Kramer vs. Kramer" was on a marital one. Bob Jones, ex-print and TV newsman, is celebrating the beginning of his second on KCCN, the former all-Hawaiian music station, by having a shoot-out between Bill Burgess and Hayden Burgess. The former is a local haole attorney who was in the 1978 Con Con which set up OHA, and he's been pressuring the legislature to reconsider. Hayden is Hawaiian and will go head-to-head with Bill, no relation, in a live, unrehearsed debate over the 20 percent of ceded lands revenue that goes to OHA and Native Hawaiians. Bill maintains it's a constitutional breach to take money that used to go to the education department and give it to one ethnic group. Jones may have his largest audience when the debate takes place 10 a.m. until noon Friday on KCCN, 1420 AM ...LOCAL actress Laura Bach stars daily in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in New York. Or she could if she wanted to. While researching theater opportunities in the Big Apple, she works at the tiff-tiff Tiffanys and has been known to have a yogurt there. Bach to the Future: She's particularly stoked tonight, becasue she's dining at the new Roy's New York where she can have Pacific Rim cuisine and feel homesick. She's already longing for the islands, after attending the second annual "Hawaii Slack-Key Guitar Fest" in Manhattan. There she met Cyril Pahinui, Dennis Kamakahi and George Kahamoku. Laura was stoked when she and her friends saw Cyril as they were going in. "Oh, wow. Aloha," she said, and he gave them all hugs ...
Happ-y Valentine's Day
EVERYONE who took a ride on Hawaiian Airlines yesterday got a chocolate-covered fortune cookie with a heart on it. But since it was the brainchild of Sales V.P. John Happ, it contained less of a Valentine's Day greeting than a thank you for flying Hawaiian, plus an announcement of new nonstop flights from L.A. to Maui and Kona, beginning next month ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: donnelly@kestrok.com.