Saturday, February 13, 1999
Hawaii TV: Tomorrow at Subase Bowling Center. Qualifying 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Entry fee $60, prepay, or $65, walk-in. Admission free. Information: 571-0965 (pager).
Health and Fitness
Great Aloha Run Health and Fitness Expo: Today until 8 p.m., tomorrow 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. Admission: $3 for adults, $2 for seniors and children 7-12 years old, no charge for Great Aloha Run/Walk participants. More information: 945-3504.
ASA/JO Fastpitch Registration: East Oahu Area (Hawaii Kai to Kalihi), girls 7-18 may sign up now. Season begins in March. Contact: Mitch Matsumoto, 732-4496.
Aiea Youth League: Registration Feb. 20-21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Pearlridge Field. Ages 7-16. Bring birth certificate,medical insurance card.
Adult Men's Tournament: All-Maui HoopFest, Feb. 20-21, Seabury Hall gym, Makawao, Maui. Entry fee: $250 per team. Limited to 20 teams. Contact: Alan Walls, 244-5386 (Maui).
Women's Class B League: Seven teams needed. Play begins Feb. 21. All games on Sunday afternoons, Halawa District Park. Fee: $260. Information: Alan Lane, 582-6912 (pager).
Hawaii TV: Feb. 21 at Pali Lanes. Qualifying 9 a.m., TV taping 12:30 p.m. Entry fee $60, prepay, or $65, walk-in. Admission free. Information: 571-0965 (pager).
Drag Racing
NAPA Alaska-Hawaii Challenge: Feb. 19-21 at Hawaii Raceway Park in Campbell Industrial Park. Gates open Friday 5 p.m., Saturday 4 p.m.
Na Leo Kako'o O Maui Tournament: Feb. 20, 7 a.m., Sandalwood Course (Maui), to benefit Maui's Hawaiian Language Immersion School. Fee: $80, includes lunch. Information: Carole Vida-Piena, 244-0563.
'82 Leahi Soccer Club Benefit Tournament: Entry deadline Feb. 20 for March 18 event at Ala Wai course, 12:15 p.m. shotgun start. Fees: $300 (team), $100 (individual). $600 for tee sponsor (including one team). Contact: Sandie Shibata, 487-8371.
Inline Skating
Aloha Roll '99: Feb. 21, 6:30 a.m. at Victoria Ward Centers in conjunction with Great Aloha Run. Contact: Tim Temple, Wheel Thing, 808-48-SKATE or e-mail tim@wheelthinghawaii.com.
Hunter Education Classes: Feb. 19, 5:45-10:15 p.m.; Feb. 20, 7:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m., at Nimitz Business Center, 1130 N. Nimitz Highway, #A-151. Open to all 10 years old and up. Attendance at all sessions required for certification. Information: 587-0200.
Soccer Coaching Series: Soccer Foundations II, for parents and coaches involved in youth soccer, Feb. 20 and March 20, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at Leeward Community College. Provides developmental skills needed for coaching at U-10 (Division 5) and U-12 (Division 4) levels. Instructor: Michele Nagamine, Kamehameha girls' varsity coach. Tuition: $45.
Grand Slam Tournaments: Feb. 19-21 for women's 'C' and 'D' and men's 'B' and 'C'; Feb. 26-28 for men's 'D' and mixed 'C', all at Hickam AFB (area 61). Entrance fees: $200 per team (add $20 if not registered U.S.S.S.A.) Final meetings, Tuesday evening before each tournament date at Henry Loui's Restaurant. Information: Larry Baird, 423-1198.
Junior Development Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays through February, 4 to 6 p.m. Free for youngsters 8 to 16 years old. Diamond Head Tennis Center. Information: Maurice Lucas, 924-3439.
Bulletin Board is published each Saturday. Please submit items
by noon the prior Friday. Mail to: Star-Bulletin Sports,
P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, 96802. Call: 525-8600 after 6:30 p.m.
Sunday through Friday. Fax: 525-5497 or e-mail sports@starbulletin.com.