Clemente Amato, 71, of Kihei, a plasterer in San Francisco, died Monday at home. Born in Tunis, Tunisia, he is survived by wife Ileana, sons Alfonso Al and Clemente, brother Curly, sister Mary Scopazzi, a granddaughter, and three great-grandchildren. Private services.
Clement N. Apolo Jr., 76, of Waimanalo, a retired mason for Hawaiian Dredging, died Dec. 28 in Kailua. Born in Paipakoko, Hawaii, he is survived by wife Anela; son Eddie; stepdaughters Faye Robertson, Deborah Somera, Christine Felix and Lynda Dequilo; stepsons Benny Kai, Leonard Dequilo and Rodney, Willie, Steve and Gayle McMillan; brother Joe; 20 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Monday at Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Services: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the mortuary. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery. Aloha attire.
James A. Awana, 86, of Kailua died Monday at home. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by son James Sonny Jr., daughters Mildred Millie and Pat Awana and Mary Susan Montez, brother William A., 15 grandchildren, and 27 great-grandchildren. Mass: 11 a.m. Thursday at St. Anthony's Church in Kailua. Call from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Burial: Hawaiian Memorial Park. Aloha attire.
Mildred L.Y. Bachman, 87, an educator, died Sunday in Honolulu. Born in Mobile, Ala., she is survived by sons Dr. Russell and Ronald, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. No services. Donations suggested to the Mildred Bachman Scholarship Fund at the University of Hawaii College of Education. Checks may be made out to the UH Foundation, P.O. Box 11270, Honolulu 96828-0270.
Frederick M. Bender, of Honolulu died Tuesday at home. Born in Jersey City, N.J., he is survived by wife Mary, sons Frederick Lanny and Timothy, daughters Kathleen Takahashi and Patricia Prospero, and five grandchildren. Memorial services: 10 a.m. Tuesday at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1611 Kewalo St. No flowers. Donations suggested to Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. Casual attire.
Manuel C. Cachero, 90, of Eleele, Kauai, a retired truck driver with Olokele Sugar Co., died Saturday in Kauai Veterans Hospital. Born in Ilocos Sur, the Philippines, he is survived by wife Francisca; son John; daughters Marilyn Soliz, Virginia O'Neill, Hermi Cachero Hunt, Lydia Bianchi, Susan Sakai and Janet and Jackie Cachero; brothers Angel and Anacleto; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Services: 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Eleele. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: Hanapepe Public Cemetery. Casual attire.
Patrick M. De Silva, 60, of Honolulu, who retired from GTE Hawaiian Tel, died Dec. 31 in Kaiser Hospital. He also worked under contract for Oceanic Telecommunications. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by wife Luz J., sons Patrick Jr. and Craig, daughter Stacie, parents August and Mabel, and two grandsons. Mass: 12:30 p.m. Monday at Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. Call from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Burial: Kaneohe Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery. Aloha attire. No flowers.
Florenda Domingo, 42, of Honolulu and Hanamaulu, Kauai is also survived by hanai parents Walter and Maggie Honjo and brother Ryan Estivello. Additional information for an obituary published yesterday provided by the mortuary.
John P. Dunbar, 75, of Honolulu, an attorney in private practice for 12 years, died Tuesday in St. Francis Hospice. Born in Omaha, Neb., he is survived by wife Tylene; sons John Jr. and Glen; daughters Elaine, Susan and Marie; stepdaughter Kathleen; stepson Ralph; brothers Tom and Jean; sister Ruth McLeay; and two grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Wednesday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Services: 10 a.m. Thursday at the Pearl Harbor Memorial Chapel. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. Casual attire. No flowers. Donations suggested to St. Francis Hospice.
Olaf R. Falk, 83, of Englewood, Fla. and formerly of Honolulu, a retired insurance underwriter, died Saturday in Englewood Hospital. Born in Santa Cruz, Calif., he is survived by daughters Suzanne C. Fonoti and Martha J. Chock, son Jeffrey R. and four grandchildren. Services at a later date.
Marion K. Fogarty, 82, of Honolulu died Dec. 30 in Honolulu. Born in Buffalo, N.Y., she is survived by sons Dennis, Robert and M.J.; sister Ruth Zuberer; and a granddaughter. No services. Donations suggested to National Kidney Foundation.
Earl J. Goris, 85, of California, formerly of Kailua, Kaneohe and Kula, owner of an advertising agency, died Dec. 8 in Chula Vista, Calif. Born in Illinois, he is survived by wife Betty Lou; children Gwendolyn Meyer, Barbara Oje, Stuart Goris and Patricia Limardo; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Burial held in San Diego.
Jeanette Y. Gunter, 76, of Honolulu died Dec. 31. Born in Paia, Maui, she is survived by daughter Portia Fukuoka, brothers Richard and Robert Kodama, and a granddaughter. Services: 11 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu. Private burial. Aloha attire. No flowers. Donations suggested to First Presbyterian Church.
Chelum Huang, 52, of Honolulu was a deputy attorney with the state attorney general's office. Incorrect information for an obituary published yesterday provided by the mortuary.
Michael L. Johnson, 48, of Kona, Hawaii died Dec. 8 in Kona Community Hospital. Born in Long Beach, Calif., he is survived by sister Alice Ann Rhodes, hanai brothers Louie Angeloni and Michael Bester, and hanai son Matthew Bester. Memorial services: 1 p.m. tomorrow at Old Kona Airport Pavilion No. 3. Call from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a potluck gathering. Casual attire. No flowers.
George L. Kaopua Jr., 55, of Oxnard, Calif., a quality assurance specialist for the U.S. Department of Navy, Naval Surface Warfare Center, died Dec. 27 in Oxnard. He also worked at the Pearl Harbor Shipyard. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by wife Lynn; daughters Jill, Julia and Geri Kaopua and Joy Sutherland; mother Emily; sisters Kuulei Narcisco and Sally Nahele; and brothers Matthew and Anton. Services on the mainland.
Antonio J. Tony Lujan, 68, of Kapaa, Kauai, a retired maintenance laborer with Hanalei Bay Resort, died Dec. 28 in Wilcox Hospital. He was also a U.S. Army veteran. Born in Albuquerque, N.M., he is survived by mother Ida; brothers Ricky, Charlie, Noney, Lejandro, Iassc and Lawrence; and sister Joanne. Memorial services: 11:30 a.m. tomorrow at Kauai Veterans Cemetery in Hanapepe. Casual attire.
Edith Lushin, 81, of Honolulu, a retired telephone operator with Matson Navigation, died last Friday in Sunnyvale, Calif. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by daughter Luana Costa, son Lyle Duvauchelle, 13 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Services: 10:30 a.m. Monday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Private burial. Aloha attire. No flowers.
Stanley M. Matsunaga, 72, of Honolulu, a retired office manager for the state Department of Health at Maluhia Hospital, died last Friday in Kapiolani Hospital at Pali Momi. Born in Wailuku, he is survived by wife Nancy; sons Stewart, Robin K. and Rex; brothers John, George, Satoru Sonny and Wayne; sisters Yoshie Tanaka, June Igarashi and Fumiko Inaba; and three grandchildren. Memorial services: 6 p.m. Tuesday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Aloha attire.
Yachiyo Migita, 95, of Honolulu died Dec. 27 in Straub Hospital. Born in Koloa, Kauai, she is survived by son Lloyd; daughters Violet Kinoshita, Hazel Tanigawa and Rose Chung; 12 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Private services.
Takeo Nakamoto, 76, of Mililani, a retired Norris Industries bookkeeper, died Dec. 25 in Straub Hospital. Born in Lahaina, he is survived by wife Bernice T.; son Wesley Y.; daughter Angie C.; brother Tetsuyuki; sisters Umeno Yamada, Fumiko Teshima and Hanako Randall; and two grandchildren. Private services.
Ikuwo Niibu, 75, of Lanai City, a retired power plant operator for Dole Co., died Tuesday in Tripler Hospital. He was also a World War II veteran as a Japanese language interpreter in Japan. Born in Waialua, he is survived by wife Alice T.; son Clayton; daughters Jo-Ann Zukeran and Annette Tijerina; brothers Motoyoshi, Hideo and Melvyn; sisters Florence Wong, Ellen Au, Nancy and Carolyn Hokama and Rosalind Shinkawa; 15 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. Memorial services: 12:30 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Downtown Mortuary. Call after noon. Inurnment: 9:30 a.m. Monday at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. Memorial services on Lanai at a later date. Casual attire. No flowers.
Stephen K. Okumura, 58, of Koloa, Kauai, a manager for Lawai General Store, died Dec. 12 in Wilcox Hospital. Born in Hawaii, he is survived by wife Hsiu, son Wesley, daughter Stephanie Kuniyoshi, brother Benjamin and sister Lenora Yagi. Services held.
Marie K. Olsen, also known as the Pioneer Lady of Nanakuli and Leeward Area, 87, of Nanakuli died Dec. 30 in Kaiser Hospital. She was the first president of the Nanakuli Homestead. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by five grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; 10 great-great-grandchildren; and hanai ohana Noreen Awong, Carol Brandis, Bernice De Freitas and Analika Bunny Nahulu. Mass: 7 p.m. Monday at St. Rita's Church in Nanakuli. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Inurnment: Tuesday at Nanakuli Homestead Cemetery. Casual attire.
Mitsuo Oyama, 75, of Waipahu, a retired aircraft mechanic for the Hawaii Army National Guard, died last Friday at home. Born in Waipahu, he is survived by wife Carol F.; sons Dr. Mark M. and Terry T.; daughter Lynn E. Okamura; brothers Kazuma, Sueki and Shosaku T.; sisters Yayoe Suzuki and Barbara Kawakami; and four grandchildren. Memorial services: 5 p.m. Monday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Casual attire.
Patricia E. Perry, 88, of Kaneohe died yesterday in Queen's Hospital. Born in Hopewell, Ark., she is survived by husband William, son Mark J., and daughter Valerie C. Brennon. Memorial services: 3 p.m. Sunday at First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, 2500 Pali Highway. No flowers. Donations suggested to First Unitarian Church Pat Perry Fund.
Pablo T. Quiban, 85, of Honolulu, a retired pipefitter for Public Works Center at Pearl Harbor, died Dec. 26 in Kapiolani Hospital at Pali Momi. Born in Pangasinan, the Philippines, he is survived by wife Carmelita G.; daughters Bonnie Collier, Georgiana Best and Vanessa and Tracy Ann Quiban; sons Paul, Phillip, Pablo and John; brother Clodualdo; 17 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Wake services: 7 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Mass: 11 a.m. Monday at St. Philomena Church, 3300 Ala Laulani St. Call after 10 a.m. Burial: Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Hilda S. Sato, 62, of Pearl City is survived by brothers Thomas T., Jerry Y., Dr. Larry M. and Dr. Stanley S. Shimoda. Additional information for an obituary published Wednesday.
Margaret W. Peggy Scott, 80, died last Friday in West Palm Beach, Fla. Born in Hilo, she is survived by husband Gen. Richard P.; daughters Barbara Ekma, Margaret Hoover, Sandra Erion and Betty Layton; twin sister Elizabeth Pettus; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Services held.
Todd I. Shinno, 23, of Honolulu will also be remembered in services 10 a.m. tomorrow at New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hilo. Call after 9 a.m. Additional information for an obituary published Wednesday.
Hideko Betsy Takaki, 76, of Honolulu died Monday in St. Francis Hospital. Born in Makawao, Maui, she is survived by husband Tsugio; sons Dennis, Glenn, Dexter and Michael; and two grandchildren. Services: 4 p.m. Monday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.
Ernest F. Vegas, 73, of Las Vegas died Saturday in Las Vegas. Born in Lawai, Kauai, he is survived by wife Helen; sons Clyde and Jeffery; daughters Diane Salsis and Verna Alves; brothers Gilbert and Cosmon; sisters Olympia Boreliz, Virginia Rodrigues, Pauline Velente and Adela Rivera; 13 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Monday at Nuuanu Memorial Park Mortuary. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery.
Audrey V. Woods, 79, of Wailuku, a clerical secretary for the YMCA Maui, died Wednesday in Hale Makua. Born in Boston, she is survived by daughters Kenyavani Gilman, Linda Keels and Connie Strokes Jr.; son Daoude; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Memorial services: 4 p.m. Sunday. Call 879-9932 for location.
Harry M. Yamabayashi, 82, of Honolulu, a retired Royal Amusement Co. projectionist at Queen Theatre, died Sunday in Aloha Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Born in Hana, Maui, he is survived by wife Gladys, son Chester, stepdaughter Leilani Mashima, sister Tomi Shimojima, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Private services.