Read All About It
Douglas D.L. Chong: Author of "Ancestral Reflections," 2 p.m. tomorrow, Borders, Ward. Call 591-8995.
Arthur Suehiro: Author of "Honolulu Stadium," noon tomorrow, Borders, Waikele. Call 676-6699.
C. Richard Fassler: Author of "Rainbow Kids," noon Sunday, Borders, Waikele. Call 676-6699.
Todd Shimoda: Author of "365 Views of Mt. Fuji: Algorithms of the Floating World," noon Thursday, Bestsellers; and 2 p.m. Jan. 16, Barnes & Noble.
"How to Get the Job You Want in Hawaii": Rich Budnick tells ways to get job referrals, interviews and offers; how to write a resume; and more, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Kalihi-Palama Public Library. Free. Call 832-3466.
Writers needed: For anthology of single women's personal experiences depicting how strong they are or have become. Women can be divorced, widowed or never married. For information, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Dianne Lorang, The Write Help, 7485 S. Washington Circle, Littleton, Colo. 80122; or e-mail her at For information, connect to http: //
"Makana Akamai": Friends of the Library is asking for book donations to help the library's book budget. A brochure of wanted books is available at 536-4174.
Romance Writers of America, Aloha Chapter: Laureen Kwock and Mike Little share their experiences at the Maui Writer's Conference, 10 a.m. tomorrow, Aina Haina Library. Call Sally Sorenson at 739-7722.
Eric Haines: Haines will discuss Hawaii Opera Theatre's upcoming production titled "A Masked Ball," 1 p.m. Sunday, Borders, Ward. Call 591-8995.
Literature Readers Group: Discusses "Eye of the Needle" by Ken Follett, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Borders, Ward. Call 591-8995.
"Full Verse, Fleshy Poem": All poets and/or poetry lovers welcome to talk about Pablo Neruda's work and share original poetry, 7 p.m. Thursday, Borders, Ward. Call 591-8995.
Romance Readers Anonymous: Discusses the best and worse of today's romance novels, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Borders, Waikele. Call 676-6699.
African Black American Education Center Hawaii: Literary book group discusses African American literature, two Mondays each month at First Hawaiian Tower, 1132 Bishop St., Suite 1404. Reservations required. Call Deloris at 528-5037 for time, date, book title and reservation.
Honolulu Chapter of the National Writers Association: Meets 7 p.m., second Tuesdays of every month, Manoa Gardens, 2790 Kahaloa Drive. Manuscript critique too. Call 845-9585.
Professional Writers Group of Hawaii: Meets 4-6 p.m. the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Call Susan, 941-1768.
"Read All About It" presents news and notices from Hawaii's literary scene. Send items -- at least two weeks in advance of publication date -- to Read All About It, P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, HI 96802.
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calendars and events.