Thursday, January 7, 1999

Jim Gamble Puppet Productions
Gamble takes
Hansel and Gretels
tale in hand
Jim Gamble and his puppets take the Brothers Grimm children's classic "Hansel and Gretel" out of books and on to the stage this weekend at Kennedy Theatre on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus. With the help of puppeteer John Chambers, Gamble's marionette production will have an assortment of woodland creatures, dancing gingerbread men, and, of course, Hansel, Gretel and the evil witch.
The fairy tale of the two young children who come across the evil witch's house made entirely of sweets will be performed on a 16-foot puppet stage with music from Engelbert Humperdinck's opera of the children's tale.
Shows will be at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday Tickets are $3 for UH Manoa students with valid IDs; $5 for children, students, seniors, military and UH faculty and staff; and $7 for adults. Tickets are available at the box office or call 545-4000. For information, call 956-7655.

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