Lt. Gov. Mazie Hirono will head an administration "SWAT team" that would have the responsibility to eliminate unneeded government rules and regulations that hinder assistance to the public, Gov. Ben Cayetano says. Hirono-led 'SWAT team'
will take aim at red tape"One of the problems we find in government is that there's a rule for virtually everything," Cayetano said yesterday. "As a consequence, the structure is so rigid that you don't have people exercising discretion to
blrb Cayetano believes that in four years, government rules and regulations can be reduced 30 to 40 percent. do this and that."
Hirono's task won't be easy, Cayetano said.
"The small business regulatory task force -- all small businesspeople -- looked at this problem for two years and they came up with virtually nothing," he said.
On another issue, Cayetano said he is disinclined to heed a Legislative Reference Bureau recommendation that the lieutenant governor be responsible for leading public education to get more residents to agree to donate organs and tissues after they die. That task is best handled by the Health Department, Cayetano said.
Cayetano believes that in four years when his second and final term ends, government rules and regulations can be reduced by 30 percent to 40 percent. He would like it down 20 percent after two years, Cayetano said.
He wants Hirono to go through each department, assessing each department's rules.
Hirono, vacationing in San Francisco, could not be reached for comment.
Public workers, who could be affected by what Hirono proposes, won't be represented through their unions on her task force, Cayetano said.
High-ranking officials of the state's largest public workers union, the Hawaii Government Employees Association, were unavailable for comment.
HILO -- Attorney Eric Seitz is asking state and federal officials to investigate the Hawaii County prosecutor's office for failure to investigate the shooting death of Jon W. Pavao by police Officer John "Masa" Pagay. Lawyer: Big Isle cop
protected by cover-up"Hawaii County agencies and officials are conspiring to cover up possible criminal behavior by Officer Pagay," Seitz said in letters to U.S. Attorney Steven Alm, Judiciary Chief Disciplinary Counsel Carole Richelieu and Attorney General Margery Bronster.
Pagay shot Pavao on June 10, 1998, at a home outside Hilo while Pavao held a handgun.
Pagay said Pavao threatened him with the gun.
Three witnesses said Pavao did not do so.
Prosecutor Jay Kimura said his office will not file charges.
Kimura said he will refer the case to the attorney general for an independent review, which is his standard practice when police shoot a suspect.
Seitz represents Pavao's estranged wife, Harolyn, and his girlfriend, Linda Sadino, in a wrongful-death lawsuit against Hawaii County and Pagay.
Prosecutor committed suicide, autopsy finds
HILO -- An autopsy has determined that Hawaii County Deputy Prosecutor Ian Cate, 31, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, police said.From the time Cate's body was found with a handgun near him at the prosecutor's office Sunday, officials suspected suicide.
Cate did not leave a suicide note, but acquaintances said he had broken up with a girlfriend recently and also was subject to work stresses as a prosecutor.
Group says natatorium needs health permit
The Kaimana Beach Coalition has filed a Circuit Court lawsuit attempting to block restoration of the Waikiki Natatorium.The suit claims the natatorium is a "public swimming pool" and that the city must therefore secure a state health permit to operate it.
In taking this position, the coalition goes against a Nov. 17 state attorney general's opinion that says since it contains ocean water, the natatorium does not meet the state definition of a public swimming pool.
State officials said the November opinion in effect took the state Department of Health out of the review-and-approval process for the proposed restoration.
The City Council approved the restoration Dec. 2.
The coalition suit asks the court to issue a declaration that a state permit is required and to enjoin the city from developing or operating the natatorium pool without the permit.
Kahuku book sale to be held over three days
Kahuku Friends of the Library will hold its annual book sale from Jan. 21 through Jan. 23 at Kahuku Public and School Library.Sale hours for the first two days will be 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., and 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for the third day.
Book prices will range from 25 cents to $1. Some audiocassettes and videos also will be available.
Kahuku Public and School Library is located at Kahuku High and Intermediate School at 56-490 Kamehameha Highway. For more information, call 293-9275.
The "Straight Talk" monthly breakfast scheduled for 7 a.m. Friday will be held at the Hale Koa Hotel, DeRussy Hall, second floor. Incorrect information was published Saturday. For information, call 988-9777.
See expanded coverage in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
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Police, Fire
By Star-Bulletin staffRobber strikes again, at Aiea bank
Bank of Honolulu's Pearlridge branch was robbed yesterday by a man who FBI agents say is also responsible for last August's robbery of American Savings Bank in Pearl City.The suspect is about 5 feet 6, 150 pounds and had bandages on his forehead and chin. He was wearing a dark jacket, red baseball cap and sunglasses.
Anyone with information is asked to call CrimeStoppers (955-8300) or the FBI (521-1411).
In other news . . .
Police today are searching for a man who allegedly held his girlfriend against her will for more than five hours.
The woman, 37, told police the man took her to several restaurants and bars starting at 6 p.m. last night.
He then took her to an acquaintance's house where he reportedly beat her.
Police today arrested a 32-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman in connection with robbing a taxicab driver in Waikiki.
Police early this morning arrested a Makakilo man for allegedly cutting his girlfriend in the thigh with a knife.
HANALEI, Kauai -- Raymond Montero, 38, of Kilauea drowned while picking opihi in the Queen's Bath area off Princeville Monday afternoon, Fire Department officials said.
LIHUE -- A pedestrian identified as Anacleto Cachero Sr., 82, of Honolulu, was killed when he was struck by a vehicle on Kaumualii Highway at Eleele about 7 p.m. yesterday, police said.
The 70-year-old man driving the vehicle that struck him was not hurt.
HILO -- A cigarette thrown under a vehicle leaking gasoline caused a fire that burned a garage and half of a house in rural Hawaiian Paradise Park south of Hilo yesterday, the Fire Department said.
See expanded coverage in today's Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
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