Hoku awards night
one to remember
Amy Gilliom is noticed
By John Berger
after a previous snub at the 21st
annual presentation
Special to the Star-BulletinOne of the first presenters rambled on to the point of rudeness, and a first-time winner came close to overstaying his welcome. Even with those small glitches, the 21st annual Na Hoku Hanohano Awards show was the best in memory.
Staging and lighting was beautiful. The show, presented by the Hawai'i Academy of Recording Arts at the Sheraton Waikiki, moved with crisp precision.
Na Leo Pilimehana went five for seven in winning in almost every possible category including Song of the Year for Lehua Kalima's "Rest of Your Life." Amy Gilliom was the other big winner. Her debut album was snubbed outright by the Academy in 1996, but her second, "Hawaiian Tradition," won Hawaiian Album, Female Vocalist and Album of the Year.
By George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin
Known as the singing cab driver, lifetime achievement
honoree Myrtle K. Hilo performed "Ma Ne Mai Oe"
for a receptive audience.
Wins by 'Elua Kane, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, Keola Beamer, Harry B. Soria Jr, and Kekapa Lee also reaffirmed the popularity of various traditional styles of Hawaiian music. Wins by Fiji and Sean Na'auao reflected a growing, if grudging, acceptance of "new school" local music among the HARA membership.Don McDiarmid Jr. received a standing ovation as recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award. Myra English brought down the house as she sang in his honor.
Performances by Irmgard Farden Aluli & Puamana, Fiji, Amy & Willie K, and Sean Na'auao, also received tumultuous applause. Na Leo Pilimehana's rendition of "Rest of Your Life" was soft, sweet and romantic.
By George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin<BR> Recording artist Myra English, left, and Kaleinani Scoggins
surrender to the moment by dancing an impromptu
hula from the Sheraton ballroom floor.
The HARA Board of Governors voted a problematic special Hoku Award to "A Musical Tradition: Na Mele Ho'oheno," an album of recordings by Kamehameha Schools students released by Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate. (The album had been listed on the preliminary ballot but didn't make the final ballot.) The presentation on stage appeared to honor Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, but a HARA spokesman said later that the album was being honored -- not the school, Bishop Estate or any of the trustees.The Board "recognized" but did not award a Hoku to "Songs of the Hawaiian Cowboy: Na Mele O Paniolo," the soundtrack for Edgy Lee's film.
The award and the "recognition" were announced along with the HARA scholarships and the technical awards as the audience was still arriving. A shamefully small crowd was present, and the recipients were not heard during the later televised show. Now that HARA has a handle on producing a show that runs on schedule it's time to move the scholarships and tech awards back to prime time with the other awards where they belong.
The winners
Bank of Hawaii Ki Ho'alu Award: Keola Beamer
Engineering: Porter Miller for "Colours"
Liner Notes: Harry B. Soria Jr. for "Hawaiian Legends Series Vol. 3 -- Hawaiian Song Bird: Lena Machado"
Graphics: Arn Dyerson for "Colours"
Anthology: "Hawaiian Legends Series Vol. 3 -- Hawaiian Song Bird: Lena Machado," Harry B. Soria Jr., producer)
Scholarship awardees: Aaron Sala and Kawika Rigamor
Board of Governers' Special Hoku Award: "A Musical Tradition: Na Mele Ho'oheno" Kamehameha Schools/BishopTmeah Schools/Bishop Estate
Hawaiian album: "Hawaiian Tradition" by Amy Gilliom
Instrumental album: "Mauna Kea: White Mountain Journal" by Keola Beamer
Single: " 'Ukulele Boy" by 'Elua Kane
Religious album: "Aloha Kekahi I Kekahi" by Kekapa Lee
Contemporary album: "Colours" by Na Leo Pilimehana
Lifetime achievement awards: The Annie Kerr Singers, Donald McDiarmid Jr., and Myrtle K. Hilo
Rock album: "1%" by Tone Deaf Teens
Most promising artist: O'Brien Eselu
Jazz album: "Gabe" by Gabe Baltazar
Island contemporary album: "Fish & Poi" by Sean Na'auao
Song of the Year: "Rest Of Your Life" by Lehua Kalima from "Colours"
Hawaiian language (best use of the language): Ku'uipo Kumukahi for "Na Wai 'Elima O Ka'u" from "Na Leo Kama'aina O Ku'u 'Aina Ho'oheno"
Haku Mele (for composition of a Hawaiian-language song): Puakea Nogelemeier for "Nematoda" from "E O Mai" by Keali'i Reichel
Comedy album: "Adventures of Leimomi" by Frank B. Shaner
Group of the year: Na Leo Pilimehana, "Colours"
Male vocalist: Fiji, "Born And Raised"
Female vocalist: Amy Gilliom, "Hawaiian Tradition"
Favorite entertainer: Fiji, "Born And Raised"
Album of the year: Amy Gilliom, "Hawaiian Tradition"
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