Bishop Estate
Reader ResponseThe "alamihi syndrome" (crabs that pull each other down) lives on with the Bishop Estate controversy. Critics want to see
Hawaiians fightRep. Ed Case, chairman of the Hawaiian Affairs Committee, has expressed the desire to introduce legislation next year to control the trust.
In checking his track record as chairman, he recommended negative legislation against the PASH Act, access for native Hawaiians to the mountains and ocean. He also redid legislation on the right to sue the Hawaiian Homes by the beneficiaries of the Hawaiians Homes Act.
In all legislation pertaining to kanaka maoli entitlements, his committee has been very negative.
This controversy is a prime example of how we kanaka maoli have gone the way of the haole style and not used our own methods of hooponopono and other Hawaiian methods of resolving issues. We have been poisoned by Western ideals and methods of resolve. We have forgotten where we came from.
Our fight is within. When we learn to come together as one, with one voice, then we will be heard. Otherwise, all this is fodder for the benefit of our critics, who enjoy seeing us pull each other down. Hilahila (shame).
Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell
Pukalani, Maui
I have three grandchildren (two hanai) who qualify for entrance into Kamehameha Schools. I believe the trustees, Hawaii Supreme Court justices, students, faculty, local press and Hawaiian people are too close to the problems to unemotionally or rationally solve them. Controversy should be
decided outside HawaiiInstead, mediators from the mainland or some other location mutually acceptable to all parties should be selected to resolve past and current issues.
The trustees should sue in court to prove that they have done no wrong. However, all legal expenses should be paid by the trustees themselves, and no estate trust funds should be used.
If they win in court, they can get repaid by the estate. If they lose, get rid of them.
Don Neill
(Via the Internet)
We are grateful to the courageous five who authored the Aug. 9 "Broken Trust" article and to the Star-Bulletin for printing it. This is long overdue! Courageous writers
deserve our thanksWe also agree wholeheartedly with suggestions for an investigation and reform, including the removal of all trustees except Os Stender during the investigation.
John and Lucinda Pyles
(Via the Internet)
Bishop Estate Archive
It sure is amazing to hear everyone griping about the status of our economy, yet nothing is being done about it. All the people who can bring this about -- the Legislature, big business, state directors, and everyone in the heirarchy of government -- seem to be concerned with protecting the status quo, and to hell with the rest of the people. Legalized gambling can
solve all economic woesThis is the reason for the stagnation of our economy. Give the unemployed jobs and our economy will flourish. Get Hawaii people to spend their dollars at home and we'll be on our way to recovery. You all know what I'm driving at: Legalize gambling and everyone will have jobs, plus there will be millions for the state.
Detractors will say that this will spoil our image as a moral, pristine "Aloha State" and that crime will increase. Well, the majority of the people who go to Vegas each year don't think so, as their numbers show.
Christopher Hatico
Pearl City
Same-sex archive
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