A NATION DIVIDED The continuing debate over
legalization of same-sex marriage
in HawaiiThe idea of "curing" homosexuality has a long and unpleasant history. In this century, doctors and moralists have tried castration, lobotomy, hormone injections, aversion therapy and even shock treatments. The whole motivation behind the movement to change gays is political - fundamentalist and conservative politics dressed up in a lab coat.
Alan L. Light
Iowa City, Iowa
(Via the Internet)
If there was justice, I would be able to marry the really nice woman with whom I have found true love and shared every aspect of my life for 26 years. Laura Doi
Honolulu, Hawaii
Teaching children that the feelings of their hearts will make them forever unclean, indecent, unfit for love or human society must surely rank as child abuse. Here in the rainbow state of diversity, tolerance and aloha, we can do better. Ward Stewart
Honolulu, Hawaii
Gays are very much like the victims of the Jim Crow laws, including the very cruelly victimized black families whose members have always been prominent, rich and free, but often as spoiled and/or crippled as their lush, white peers. Sister Mary John Bosco
Honolulu, Hawaii
My boyfriend and I particularly need to get married because we have different citizenships. After I finish studying here, we're planning to go to his country, France, but I will have difficulty with my status there, because we can't get married. I hope that my situation can help impress upon you the importance of supporting this good thing that is happening in your state.
Timothy Miller
Seattle, Washington
I have read over and over again the rhetoric coming out of Hawaii that the "majority" of you oppose giving legal recognition to the religious marriages of same-sex couples. Apparently, the majority of you believe that our children and our spouses are somehow less precious to us than yours are to you. Why? Because if you gave my family all the rights that are associated exclusively with legally recognized marriage, it would "threaten the foundation of society."
Do the majority of you really believe such nonsense?
Lilly Klein
Los Angeles, California
(Via the Internet)
I've heard, as an argument against homosexuality, that it does not occur in animals. The Jan. 4 issue of "Science News" has a cover story on this very topic and states: "Many domestic and wild animals engage in sexual activity with members of both the same and the opposite sex; a smaller number have eyes only for their own sex." Even though there is little reproductive value to the species, homosexuality does exist and animals do partner with the same sex. But, of course, we all know that animal behavior has absolutely no bearing or relationship to human behavior.
Phyllis Hanson
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
(Via the Internet)
I know why dinosaurs are extinct. It was not global warming, nor was it the loss of a food chain. Dinosaurs are extinct because Mr. and Mrs. Average Ol' Dinosaur allowed the dinosaurs that made the laws to pass one that allowed dinosaurs of the same sex to get married.
Male dinosaurs married other males and female dinosaurs married other females. NO DINOSAUR eggs, therefore, NO MORE DINOSAURS.
Daniel P. DePinto
Waikele, Hawaii
(Via the Internet)
Why do we refer to those opposed to same-gender marriage with terms such as bigot, religious zealot and homophobe? At the same time, we fall all over ourselves attempting to be politically correct to placate our same-gender union supporters as the poor and downtrodden. We call these individuals everything but what they truly are: an aberration in our society.
Robert D. Dunn
Waipahu, Hawaii
As a resident of Indiana, I must encourage you to vigorously oppose same-sex marriage. Because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution of the United States, the decisions made in Hawaii will affect all the other 49 states. America needs you to help stop the madness.
Bruce S. Falin
North Vernon, Indiana
Pro-family supporters are not singling out homosexuality as the only kind of sexual urge that people should be discouraged from following. However, homosexual activists have taken an unprecedented role in promoting their particular brand of illicit sex as not only normal, but beneficial for society. If groups of people were promoting incest, pedophilia, adultery or bestiality as positive "alternative lifestyles," then pro-family supporters would vehemently oppose them as well.
Ellen Abrams
Honolulu, Hawaii
Please, I implore you to research the breakdown of the traditional family. Realize that the legalization of same-sex marriage is just another rock removed to destroy the foundation of our society. Denying the right to marry someone of the same sex does not constitute sexual discrimination. A male may not marry another male, and a female may not marry another female. Thus, both sexes are treated equally under the law.
Jennifer Hennes
Jackson, Wyoming
(Signed by 96 other individuals)
I am not condemning homosexuals, but I do question their using scripture to defend their acts when scripture clearly labels homosexuality as an abomination. I urge fellow Christians to show mercy toward homosexuals, but to also stand firm -holding fast and uncompromisingly to the truth of God's word concerning same-sex marriage.
Beth Hardcastle
Kapolei, Hawaii
There will always be people who try to distort God's word to fit their own agendas. That's our problem - we try to make him fit our agenda instead of trying to fit into his. Christine Lavelle
Pahoa, Hawaii
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