Honolulu Star-Bulletin Online - Vol. 1, No. 192

Tuesday, December 10, 1996

Highlights of today’s online edition:

A guide to savvy gift shopping in Honolulu’s
myriad of small stores

High school ROTC programs;
Cayetano pushes Kauai for recovery

Same-sex marriage:
A collection of links to our past articles on the subject ,
plus the full text of the court ruling

Pat Bigold on Mary Decker Slaney

Kauai butterfly farming

Editorials, letters and Bud Smyser

Thursday is calendar update day
Our community section features frequently updated lists
and calendars of events, including reunions, movies
and the obituary notices.

Vote for us until Dec. 31! American Journalism Review NewsLink
‘Best of the Web’ poll.

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