Emma Veary returns to Oahu. File photo

A Veary special month
By John Berger
Special to the Star-Bulletin

There are times when even "living legends" live just like anybody else. Like the time Emma Veary - not wearing an elegant white muumuu or holoku - was looking for some of her favorite old movies on video.

"The lady asked my name. Veary, V-E-A-R-Y, First name, Emma. We were looking (for the movies) for about 5 minutes when she suddenly said, 'Oh-My-God, is that like in 'Emma Veary?' "

Veary is too well-bred to ever refer to herself as any kind of legend, but her memory of the woman's sudden awestruck reaction draws silvery laughter .

It's been much too long since she's performed on a regular basis in Waikiki, since she resides on Maui. That makes the next month prime time for Veary fans. Here's what she'll be doing:

But first things first. After all her years as a uniquely talented and much-loved star in the local entertainment galaxy, Veary's performance on Sunday will place her a little outside of the kind of setting her fans expect.

"Instead of singing with a pianist I'll be working with George Kuo, Dennis Kamakahi and Michael Ka'awa, and (probably) singing 'Pua Ahihi' for my daughter to dance to.

"It's a beautiful Hawaiian song on guitar, and I've done 'Kamehameha Waltz' before with a slack-key guitar background instead of waltz tempo, so that's a possibility too. Since this is 'The Women of Hawaii' I feel like I should be singing all Hawaiian (songs) even though the women of Hawaii aren't only Hawaiian."

"I know when people think of me they think of a piano and something a little more formal - 'Emma and her white.' Some people have looked at me as snob because I sing non-Hawaiian songs (too) but I know it will work."

And will she be on Oahu later this month to celebrate the release of the album?

"If they want me to be here I know I'll sing."

Let's hope!

Homecoming for Veary and Barber

What: 8th Annual Bankoh Na Wahine O Hawai'i, featuring Emma Veary, Darlene Ahuna, Jennifer Barber, Ellen Castillo & Hula Halau Pukaikapuaokalani, Myra English, Leimomi Ho & Halau Keali'ika'apunihonuake'ena Ao Hula with Miss Aloha Hula 1996 Kamalani Ho, Ilona Irvine, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, Paleka Mattos & Halau Hula O Kamuela and Anita Pahinui
When: 4:30 p.m. Sunday
Where: McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Park
Admission: Free
Call: 239-4336

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