Pick a day to act upon life's little annoyances


POSTED: Monday, March 22, 2010

I've been fascinated by the proliferation of annual events and make-your-own holidays that have become so prevalent.

They range from the practical to the absurd. In January there's Clean Off Your Desk Day and I'm Not Going to Take it Any More Day.

There's Single-Tasking Day (February), Clean Out Your Computer Files Day and Get Over It Day (March), No Housework Day (April), Tell the Truth Day (July), National Garage Sale Day (August), Be Late for Something Day (September), National Grouch Day (October), Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day and Buy Nothing Day (November).

There's even Have a Bad Day Day in November and Make Up Your Mind Day in December!

Friday is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. So in keeping with the spirit of design-it-yourself holidays, I'd like to propose a “;Do Something About It Day.”;

I remember becoming aware of the need to “;Do something about it”; years ago while waiting for one of my children at a preschool class. Another mother told me that her bathroom mirror was so splattered with toothpaste that she couldn't see her reflection at all. I could identify with toothpaste spotting a mirror, and I would take a sponge and clean it off. I wondered why she didn't do something about it when cleaning it off was not a big deal.

I think that we all have things in our homes and lives that are annoyances, inefficiencies, even hazards, that we notice or pass by repeatedly and even grumble about, but do nothing to remedy.

It's for such things that Do Something About It Day (or days) can spur us to actually DO something about it.

I've been surprising myself by actually doing something about things that weren't working in my life. They were small things, but daily annoyances. Tired of looking for notes and information written on scraps of paper, I carry a mini notebook in my purse. It's such a relief to know where to find the information.

Frustrated by cat litter scattering out of the box onto the floor, I did something about it—I bought a covered litter box with a doorway. It helped a lot!

Also, tired of my cats clawing their own opening in my patio screen door, I had pet grills installed. What a relief to know my cats can't sneak out.

Do Something About It Day can apply to something as common as a cluttered kitchen. Recently, after the busy-ness of a house full of house guests, my kitchen counters were so crowded and cluttered, making cooking difficult. I finally did something about it. I cleared, put away and even removed old things from cabinets to make room.

What a happy difference it made functionally and visually! With all the open space, I feel like I'm cooking in a demo kitchen.

Who hasn't said to a friend, “;We really ought to get together more often”; only to find the year has passed without doing so? I have a friend who wanted to see her friends more regularly. Instead of thinking about it and wishing it, she decided to host a monthly card-making gathering at her home. What a great solution, to get together, learn something new, share ideas and leave with something handmade.

What are some things in your home or life that bother you, need fixing or are an eyesore? I invite you to observe “;Do Something About It Day”; and do something about it.

Small fixes can make a big difference, and I think you'll probably be glad you finally did something about it!

See you in three weeks!

Ruth Wong owns Organization Plus. Her column runs the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Contact her by e-mail at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).