State to restrict Lagoon Drive


POSTED: Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Access to Lagoon Drive makai of Aolele Street will be restricted on New Year's Eve and into New Year's Day, the state Department of Transportation said.

State sheriff deputies will operate a checkpoint and will patrol the area to make sure only authorized people and equipment are allowed access.

Authorized people include business tenants, their employees and customers on official business, the Transportation Department said.

The restrictions will be in place starting at 6 p.m. Thursday until 2 a.m. Friday.

The department said consumption of alcoholic beverages, the use of fireworks and open flames are not permitted on airport property.

The department asks that anyone who sees suspicious people or unsafe activities near Honolulu Airport call the sheriff's detail at 836-6606 or the airport duty manager at 836-6434.